Important Call

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I sat down at my desk and looked through the paperwork that had been sent to me. I've been so busy with Athena that I haven't been dealing with mafia business. She was a big part of me and I loved her. I was trying my best to love her the way that I know that she deserved. There is an age difference between us but I know that she is the woman that I want to spend my life with. I couldn't think straight while she was gone. I was anxious to get her answer but I knew that she needed time. The more time that she spent thinking about it, the more nervous that I became. I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. This was insane! I am Satoni Romano, I am the biggest and richest mafia leader. I can have anything and anyone that I want but this eighteen-year-old girl is the only one on my mind. She made me weak, nervous, and angry at the same time. I hated feeling weak but she found a way to my heart. I thought that I locked that part of me away but I was wrong. I looked down at my phone and groaned loudly when I didn't see a text from her. I was checking my phone every five minutes since I woke up. I needed to distract myself but I didn't know how. I smirked and looked down at the papers again. These papers wouldn't sort themselves. I frowned and pulled the paternity paper from the stack of papers slowly. I cursed loudly and grabbed my phone. With all this stuff going on, I hadn't had time to check the results. I went with Tarma that day to give my saliva but I couldn't stick around for the outcome. I grabbed my phone and pressed the call button when I found the doctor's number.

She picked up on the second ring, "Doctor Amber speaking."

"Hey, this is Satoni. I was calling about the paternity results that I came and got done a few months ago."

She gasped, "oh Mr. Romano. I have been trying to reach you. I've left you ten voicemails asking you to return my call but you never did. I was calling to inform you that the baby was not yours."

I frowned and looked down at the paper that Tarma gave me. "What?"

I could hear her gulp, "I um...well the results were zero percent. There was no DNA match for you and the baby."

I sat back in my chair slowly, "I'm confused. You gave Tarma a paper that shows that the results are 99.9 percent positive."

"Mr. Romano, I'm unsure of what you're talking about. I never gave Tarma any paper. I told her that I would call her just like I called you but she was never provided with a paper. If you don't mind will you send me a picture of this paper that you received?"

"Sure," I pulled the phone away from my ear quickly. I snapped a picture of the paper and sent it in a text to her. I could hear her phone buzz confirming that she got my message.

"Yes, the paper that you received is not from my office. The signature at the bottom of the page is not mine."

I placed my hand on my chin, "interesting. So, can you tell me who this paper belongs to? Or better yet, point me in the right direction to the doctor who made it."

"I'll get right to it."

I ended the call and cracked my knuckles. That lying bitch. She was playing me the whole time. She was never carrying my child. That baby in her stomach wasn't mine. I kept repeating it because I couldn't believe it. I didn't know whether to call Athena and tell her or kick Tarma out first then call her. I smiled and put my phone down. No, I wouldn't say a word to Athena. It would be better if she came home and Tarma was gone. Then I would be able to explain to her what happened. I was excited because this is all that I wanted. I was going to get rid of Tarma and then I was going to marry my girl. But there was more to it with Tarma. I needed answers and I needed them now. I wanted to know why she did this and who sent her. Was she playing this by herself or did she have a plan? My phone started to buzz and I looked down to see Kari calling me. I smiled and pressed the answer button quickly.

"How's the vacation going?"


My heart stopped in my chest when I heard her say those words. What did she mean that she was gone? "Kari, what do you mean? I need you to calm down and talk to me."

She sobbed loudly, "I went to get food and I left her here at the house. I came back and she was gone. I've been looking for her for the past two hours."



"FUCK!" I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down. Yelling would get us nowhere. I needed her to tell me what happened when she came back from getting food. "What happened when you came back?"

"I went to her room and everything looked normal. I thought that she was in the bathroom because the door was closed and I heard running water. I waited for an hour and then I decided to go in. When I went in there was no sign of her. I looked around her bedroom and I saw blood on her bedsheets. I ran out of the house looking for her."

"Kari, I need you to go back to the beach house and stay there until I get there. I'll be there as soon as I can."

She sobbed softly, "Satoni, please hurry."

I ended the call and slammed my hand down on the desk. I was going to kill them. I knew that they had taken her.

Did i say that there was no plot twist

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Did i say that there was no plot twist...well i lied!!! Sorry about that you guys! I hope that you dont hate me!

Well there is good news but bad news! Athena is missing. What are your thoughts on this chapter.

If you enjoyed this chapter make sure to tap that star down below! See you all very soon-MarshaOfficial

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