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"Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos." -- The Joker

++ C H A P T E R | T W E N T Y - T W Ø ++

"You're late," Wes said when Elliott stepped into the shop. The extra long practice had drained him, but he made sure he could still get to work. It wasn't even that he really needed the money, anymore. It was more because he was happy to be doing something with his time. And a smidge had to do with seeing Wes. Elliott's need for friends was overwhelming, now that he knew what having friends felt like.

"Sorry. I had a long practice." Elliott stood beside him at the counter, getting ready for a few hours of work.

Spending Saturday with Wes had, at first, made things awkward. But by the end of passing around a ball, the two were closer. Elliott was growing closer, even when the warning bells were going off in his head. He knew getting close to others was wrong - mother had drilled that into his head - but he couldn't help but feel on cloud nine.

"Sounds brutal. You look tired."

Elliott grunted in agreement. "You could say that. Couch is pushing us extra hard for the scrimmage next week. If we don't win, well, it won't be a pretty sight."

Wes laughed, his eyes lighting up with amusement. "Yeah, I bet!"

Elliott didn't mention a thing about mother. Even Elliott wasn't sure whether or not she'd actually been there. He wanted to think no, he'd been hallucinating, but she'd felt so real. And if she hadn't been there or on the field, did she even give him that letter?

Elliott felt like he was going insane. Slowly but surely, he felt like his own sanity was slipping from his fingers and escaping his grasp. He didn't dare say a thing to Adrian.


Natasha stepped into the store, looking excited to see Elliott. Or, perhaps Wes. Elliott couldn't tell.

"Natasha. Uh, hi."

She bounced to his side of the counter, leaning over and smiling. "I didn't realize you worked here!"

Elliott's eyes narrowed. Her voice had returned to that stereotypical, whinny female tone that half of the population used. Elliott could feel a headache coming on, just hearing the whine in her tone. He liked Natasha, but hated when she sounded like this.

"Yeah. I do."

"Well, that is like, so cool! I pass this place all the time!" Cue the hair twirling. Elliott had been surrounded by these girls his entire life, but never before did he think he would befriend someone who sounded this way. He knew it wasn't even for him - it was for Wes. Elliott could tell.

"You should stop in more often, then." Wes flirted back, which made Elliott more than angry. Of course he was going to flirt back - Natasha was beautiful. Her hair was still pulled back in a braid, and she wore a low cut dress that would make any guy fall in love just by looking at her. Elliott couldn't blame him, but he felt angry. Irrationally.

And, of course Natasha was flirting back. Wes was good looking, and while she did break up with Brent for Elliott, it was clear she was having second thoughts. Of course, Elliott couldn't help from thinking.

"Did you need anything?" Elliott pushed, crossing his arms. All happiness he had felt was slowly draining as he watched the redhead purse her lips in a kissy face.

"Oh, yeah! I needed some apples. I'm baking a pie! Would one of you like to help me pick the freshest apples?" Natasha batted her eyelashes, smiling like she won the lottery. Elliott felt disgusted, but Wes didn't. He hopped over the counter and came to her rescue, like a prince, Elliott thought bitterly.

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