33. Tender is the Night

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“I heard you had quite a day at the training grounds,” Galan said as he sat next to her. It was evening and she had been restless since she had faced off against the Lycans earlier that day. She was also a little annoyed at Galan for not having talked to her about her offering her assistance to Ceres and the army. She had purposefully avoided him throughout the day and made sure he knew it.

She had gone back to the training field and worked them until they could barely walk. They really were strong Lycans, but strength was not enough. If they were not able to stop their opponents in the shortest possible time then they were not efficient. Then there was the added complication of them not necessarily killing the people they were fighting against but rather incapacitating them.

They had been eager though and she had managed to show them some moves that Samual had taught her. He had taught her to be a fast and efficient killer, minimising her own energy while getting her opponent to expend theirs. The kill shot had to be delivered precisely and quickly, especially when you didn’t know many things about your opponent.

“You should have asked me first, Galan,” Tempest said, looking out into the woods. She badly wanted to go for a run. 

He sighed. “Otis and Reed kinda mentioned it to Ceres that you were badass and she asked me about it. I told her you were good but that I would discuss it with you first. I guess she didn't want to wait. I’m sorry that I upset you.”

Tempest looked at him and took a deep breath. “She can be quite pushy.”

Galan chuckled. “You don't know the half of it, or the number of times I got into trouble because she showed those damn puppy eyes to me.”

“I shall think of a fitting punishment for her,” she said, her eyes seeming to glow in the approaching dark. “Don’t worry. I won’t kill her.” Galan huffed, a small sound of relief until Tempest added “Yet.”

“You know the king and queen prefer their daughter over their son, right. And were she to come to an untimely demise I would lose my head?” he said to her. 

Tempest’s smile was serene as she looked at him. “I could live with that.”

His eyes widened and she shook her head. “Let’s go for a run, Galan. My were needs to blow off some steam. She feels uneasy and has done so for the whole day. She is on edge.”

Galan nodded and they started jogging to the woods. They shifted into their were and Lycan forms as they ran, gracefully and spontaneously because it was something they had done hundreds of times before. They ran and ran. When Galan could not keep up with her, she ran some more. She ran far, examining everything around her, taking it all in. The possible attack points, the places which would be easiest to defend, those which would be harder. She ran around the King’s village, twice and finally caught up with Galan when she had completed her second turn.

He had shifted back and was watching her with a quizzical look.

"How did you get so fast?" he asked her. She shrugged after she had shifted back. 

"I don't really know. I have just always been fast. Aida once told me that some people are born with certain skills and some have an affinity or are predisposed to others. I have an affinity for magic and I can learn it but I was just born with the speed thing, you know." 

She and Galan headed back toward the castle and she took his hand in hers. She noticed how his head whipped around to look at her but she ignored it and was happy when he looked forward again and held her hand firmly.

"We didn't finish our earlier conversation," she said, almost under her breath. He knew exactly what she was referring to and waited patiently for her to continue. She stopped walking and turned to stand in front of him. She didn't quite meet his eyes though, choosing instead to look just past his left ear. "I always had it in me that I would never find a mate. When I ‘found’ you the first time, I ran. I had always thought that my happiness would come from me finding my family. I didn't think about the impact my behaviour would have on you."

She took a deep breath and shifted her eyes to look at him. "I do care for you, Galan. A lot. I know I shouldn't be conflicted but I can't give you my all until I--"

He laid a finger on her lips and smiled. There was no anger or hurt in his eyes, just patience and understanding. 

"I told you I would wait for you, Tempest. And I will. You don't need to explain." He pulled her into his arms and his lips curled in a cheeky grin. "I also remember mentioning that I would not necessarily hold back on making you wish you had changed your mind sooner."

He pressed his lips to hers in a kiss that made her toes curl and her breath hitch. He teased her with his lips, his tongue, as his hands moulded her to his hard body. She moaned, her eyes fluttering shut as sinful tremors moved through her body from her core. 

An unfamiliar heat simmered in her stomach as Galan continued his merciless teasing, until it reached every part of her being. His body was flush against hers and she could feel the effect that being so close to him was having on his hard body. 

"Galan, " she moaned, not sure whether she wanted him to stop or continue. To her great chagrin he stopped, leaving her lips feeling needy and wanting. 

She opened her eyes and saw that his eyes had darkened, his canines extended, showing how much further he wanted to go. She understood completely because her were was ready to come forth, to claim him fully as hers.

"I think it's best we get back, Tempest, because the only thing I want right now is to lay you down in this field and have my way with you."

1 December 2020

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