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Kirby Carter

Darby glowers between you and Jimmy.. "Has my lil Bratva slut been cooperatin today O'malley'?.."

You don't move from your huddled position, fingering the handle of the screwdriver that you have hidden, as you tuck it beneath the folds of the dusty blankets..

Not that you really have the energy to fight.. But if Darby comes close enough.. Well, it would be awfully satisfying to put it through his eye..

"Yes.. We're done here.." Jimmy replies casually..

But its a lie.. You haven't been particularly cooperative..
You get that Jimmy is trying to play both sides here, but its a dangerous move.. You wish he wouldn't...

"An' don' call her that.. She's one of us, Declan.. Malcom treated her just as shite as the rest of us--"

Darbys expression turns dark, his tone dark and warning.. "Watch yer fu*kin' mouth O'malley.. She had it easier than anyone when Malcom was runnin' the show.. Nah, ya were his favourite lil pet, weren't ya?.."

Declan turns to inspect you, the tension in his jaw visable, even from across the room..

Jimmy shakes his head, muttering under his breath.. "You're fuckin mad.."

Darby looses it, cackling like a lunatic, like he was just waiting for for an excuse to go off.. Unsurprising since that underlying aggression is always there with him, bubbling and boiling away beneath the surface.. "Jeezuz fuckin' Christ.. What is it with this bitch.. What, does she have a golden pussy or summit?.. Now, that I'd like te see.."
Darby pulls a pistol.. "Ya've always been more trouble than you were worth, haven't ya Summer.."

With a wicked, teasing grin he points the gun right at you.. Your heart stops..

You squeeze your eyes shut. Waiting for him to pull the trigger..

- BANG -


You open your eyes, not knowing what to expect, only to see O'malley and Darby locked in a wresting match as Jimmy fights Declan for the weapon..

"Son'ov'a'bi*ch!" Declan brings a knee up into Jimmy's stomach.. Before lashing the butt of the pistol hard into the side of his head..

O'malley falls to his knees, clutching his head, blood seeping from the wound.. "Gahhh.. fffffffuckkkk'you..."
Jimmy sways from side to side while Darby brushes himself off and straightens his leather jacket.. "You.. need me.."

Jimmy shakes his head as though trying to clear it..

"Nah.. I don' think I do.."
In the blink of an eye Declan raises the revolver in his hand..

You cry out.. "NO!"

- BANG -

The shot fires like the crack of a whip.. Jimmy's lifeless body slumps to the ground..

A river of crimson trailing out from beneath him, creeping slowly towards where you lay..

"Oh.. No no.." You whimper to yourself as the reality sets in.

Jimmy is dead.. He died trying to help you..

You're alone..

"Thinks I can't replace him, stupid disrespectful fucker.." Darby begins muttering to himself about Jimmy's disrespect as he pulls out his phone, pacing back and forth.. "Are ya ready to go?.."

Secrets of Summer - THE SPECTER SERIES [book four]Where stories live. Discover now