ch. 14 | Let's just say, i did a pretty pog move... for a while

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A loud sound of shattering glass was heard throughout the hall gathering everyones attention, including Victor. Peoples gaze were directed to a certain white haired male who looks very petrified making the crowd feel pity for him. His whole body was shaking, eyes wide looking directly at Count Sebastian like he was some sort os monster, what did the rumored kind man do to this lovely boy?

"I-I'm sorry please forgive me..." Elliot muttered as tears started to slid down his eyes, he then started to kneel down on the ground littered with sharp glasses broken down to different kinds of shape and sizes.

"Wait this—Elliot—" Sebastian was left speechless, his hands were about to touch him and Elliot's body shook with fear. But luckily someone came to save him. Julian Kyster, one of the strongest knights in the empire and Victor La croix personal knight.

Julian had been trained since birth, physically, mentally and also in knowledge. He grew up surrounded by two faced people and he despise those kind of people—no, animals, Sebastian Auclair was one of them. Once he saw and analyzed the situation with the Auclair's only heir and son he figured he was extremely neglected. Putting a strong facade in front of everyone when all he needs was proper love and affection. Don't get him wrong tho, he isn't a knight that had a heart wrenching back story making him want to save every living and moving things, Julian grew up in a loving family and he hated parents negligence or any form of abuse put on small and defenseless living people or animal. Long story short, he loves and crave for justice.

He still remember the time when he was watching from far away making sure his lord was safe and how Count Sebastian slapped the boy. He even swear that he saw something flashed in Victor's eyes for a split second. He was sure of it. He saw how the snow white haired boy's eyes grow dark with frustration.

Now seeing how badly Elliot's situation is, he couldn't just stay back. He marched all the way not caring if he hits anyone with his shoulder equipped with a heavy armor.

"Count Sebastian, i don't think that's a wise move."

"He's my son."

"And he isn't supposed to shiver in fear and kneel on glass shards for his father."

That sentence made everyone listening gasp in realization, forming theories inside their head. But of course Sebastian was not gonna back down, he will save his reputation.

"And what are you implying, Knight? i was just—"

"You know what i'm implying, Count."

Before anything could escalate more, the birthday girl came walking in with her fancy dress, high heels and expensive jewelry dangling on her ear and neck. She was accompanied by her brother that ladies were drooling for when he walked passed by them.

"What is going on here?!" She exclaimed her lovely face now filled with rage, it was her special day! her eyes fell on Count Sebastian and then the boy kneeling on the ground, blood starting to pool under him.

"Oh my goodness!" Her anger was now replaced with worry. Elliot peeked innocently through his shoulder and their eyes met but quickly he bowed his head again. Steffany's heart swelled in awe with how adorable he look but became angry again, "What are you doing? stand up!"

"I—I...but-" Before he could finish, Julian scooped him up and held him bridal style. With one hand he carried him and the unoccupied one brushed and took ahold of his hand that were filled with shards of glass sliced through his delicate skin.

"Get him in one of the guest room and call the medic, you there clean this up." Marquis Victor ordered a maid who was nearby to tidy up the floor.


"You two have ruin my sister's special day. For you my punishment is that..." As Julien carried me away, i didn't have a chance to fully hear what his punishment is. Wait— that means i also have one...

'Goodness fuck this dude is hot. He really carried me with one arm.' I thought inspecting him.

"Are you feeling any more pain?"

"Uhm... you can put me down now, kind sir. I don't want to burden all of you and i've already cost a lot of trouble, please just tell lady Steffany and Marquis that i'm really sorry and that it isn't fathers fault..." I rambled on, he stop walking and i thought he was letting me go so i tried to get out of his grasp to only be held back tightly but not too tight to make me uncomfortable.

"This is the order of Victor. Don't worry i doubt your punishment would be that bad."

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT PART OF THE PLAN. I was supposed to play like a kicked puppy and then yooit myself out immediately after being seen by some people. WHY DID YOU CARRY ME?! it was going good...

I mentally cried and prepared for the worst.


how are you all doing? im just scrolling on pinterest trying to find a good pic for ✨inspiration✨

also just wanna share with y'all my tiktok has been filled with wattpad slander recently 🗿 like yeah ao3 is SUPERIOR in many ways but wattpad will always have a special place in my heart, like ao3 is the serious neglected kid with hidden trauma and more mature than their age while wattpad is the idiot funny but a brat kid starting the first year of HS that everyone either hates or loves andissecretlyactuallyinsecureandsad lmfaosbsjsbdj

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