chapter 21

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Richa asked with curiosity, "Mr Mehta, if you don't mind can I ask something to you?"

He said with sincerity, "ofcourse didi."

She smiled mischievously. When she opened her mouth, I confirmed. She asked with hestitation, "Mr Mehta, you always mention about your girlfriend. Is she here?" She looked whole party hall as he pointed his girlfriend and she would see.

Sameera and Kavish looked at us with smile and waited for Karan's response while my siblings were looking at Karan with curiosity.

He pulled our joint hands on his thigh and nodded.

She asked with raising her eyebrows, "then why are you not with her now?"

He chuckled softly, "There is a misunderstanding between us that's why she is angry with me. I don't want to force her." I glared at him with anger. What a liar? He didn't want to force then why have he held my hand? I tried to get free my hand again but again there was not use. I pouted.

Richa said, "ohh." I thought she would drop that topic but I underestimate her curosity. She took a sip from her juice glass and asked with gossip tone, "you are not with her. Won't your girlfriend be upset?"
He replied with smirking, "I am with her."
"What?" My siblings looked at him with shocked. His one side was Sameera while other side was me. I knew he was doing it intentionally. But I knew my siblings very well they would never imagine thar his girlfriend is me.

Richa laughed lightly, "Mr Mehta, your sense of humour is amazing." This time karan and Sameera were speechless. They looked at Richa with widened eyes while I was amused.

Sameera recovered from her shock soon and said with rubbing her hands with each other, "let's go for dance."
Richa and others agreed and got up while karan and I were seated. Sameera said to me, "Natasha, let's go."

I knew karan won't let me dance with anybody else and I didn't want to dance with him in front of my family. Karan looked at me sparkling eyes as he was waiting for my eyes but I ignored him and shook my head, " You guys carry on. I have no mood."

Richa said with frowned, "Sameera leave her. By the way, she is boring." I glared at Richa. Should she need to mention it in front of karan.
Karan looked at me with amusement. I ignored his gaze which was on me. After everyone left, I tried to pull my hand from his grip but his grip was strong.
I glared at him and said with irritation, "Now, leave my hand."
He asked with curling his lips, "Why?"
I blinked my eyes because I was speechless. What should I reply him? Forget it.
He came close to me and said in his seductive voice, "I missed you so much, Mita."
My heart skipped from its place after hearing his voice. Was he trying to seduce me? If yes? Then he succeeded because I was feeling melt from head to toe.

He was looking at me with his pinched black eyes. Was he waiting for my answer? Did I miss him? Ofcourse, I miss him a lot but I didn't want to tell him. That's why I was keep quiet. I felt myself thirsty and my juice glass finished that's why I looked around for drink something.

Then I spotted a waiter with icecream tray. I called waiter with waving my hand towards him. As the waiter put icecream in front of me, I took a bite with urgency. I was looking only towards my icecream cup because I knew he was glaring me.
I felt his breath near my face skin. He asked again, "Mita, icecream is more important than me. Huhh?"
We are in public place even our families were also there. Wasn't he afraid that anybody noticed us to be so close?
I reminded him, "Karan, we are in public place."
He asked nonchalantly, "So?" Again I was speechless. He asked again, "you didn't give me answer. Is icecream more important than me?" He said words one by one.

I gulped icecream and felt it's coolness into my throat but it's useless what I feeling that time. I was feeling hot because of him.
I replied without looking at him, "Karan, I am thirsty. Don't tease me." I felt his breath became heavy suddenly. Then my mind processed what I said just now. Why did I use that word?
I looked at him with guilty conscience but I saw desire into his eyes. He left my hand and put behind my chair while his other hand raised towards my face. I gulped my saliva with scared. What's going on his mind? Didn't he care we are at public place? His thumb rubbed lightly corner of my lips and he sucked that thumb while he was looking me. I looked him with widened eyes.

He smirked and moaned lightly, "It's really tasty, Mita."
I gulped my saliva again. I was saying internally, 'Please stop teasing me. I can't take any more.' thank god, my heart is healthy otherwise I had heartache because of his flirting.
I saw his face was coming towards me that's why I closed my eyes in horror. That time, I forgot where we were. Only I remembered him and nothing else.

I heard his hoarse voice into my ear, "Mita, wait for me tonight."

When my mind processed what is meaning of his words, I opened my eyes immediately. Before I said something to him, he already left me there with confusion. Why did he say? And most importantly, why would I wait for him?

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