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*In Valerie's neighborhood*

Myra and Josh knocked Valerie's  window a few more times. Josh was getting too aggressive, and Myra got scared that he was gonna break the window.

"Josh calm down!"

He shook his head pulling out his phone again, just for Valerie's voicemail to speak up again.

"She's not answering! She's not fucking answering! I swear I'll kill him!"

I grabbed at his arm and squeezed it hard, "Josh collect yourself please."

He took a deep breath, and squeezed his lips together. "It's been two days, what if-"

My eyes started to water a bit. I shook my head not wanting to believe it. She's not dead and if her father took her away I swear.

Valerie tells us everything, no way she would have up and leave without saying goodbye.

I pulled out my phone and pressed on Sean's number. I impatiently stepped on my foot, until he answered.


"Where is she!"

"She's not with you?"

I scoffed, "No she's not with me you fucking idiot! Where the fuck is she!"

"I- I don't know. I've been calling since that day she left my house. She hasn't answered any of my calls! I don't know if I upset her or if it was because of what happened at my house!"

"What the fuck happened at your house?!"

I could hear the the hesitation in his voice, "What aren't you telling me?"


Sean drove us to there usual spot, I swear I was gonna fucking hurt her. She thinks she's gonna get away with what she did to Valerie and Sean.

I was just as upset with Sean but I'm so grateful that he was able to manage  them even though he was drunk.

He pulled in front of the beach. I could see her smiling face as she playing volleyball with those stupid boys.

I tightened up my hoodie and ran over there. I could see the looks on there faces as I got closer. It changed from smiley to confusion.

"So you wanna get people drunk?" I said pushing her into the sand.

"The fuck is your problem bitch?" Rocky shouted.

"Watch who the fuck you're calling a bitch!" Josh yelled. 

Josh got all up in Rocky's face and Sean had been by his side just in case Louie tried something.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" Jenna says brushing brushing the sand off her bottom.

I clenched my fist socking her right in the face. She gasped as she held her face, she then grabbed a handful of sand and threw it at my face.

"Fuck you and that bitch!"  Jenna screamed as she pushed to the ground and attempted to throw her hands at me.

I grabbed a fistful of her her yanking it so hard. Using my free hand to throw some jabs at her face as well.

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