
hi friends - i’ve got noro virus and i’m sooo fatigue and feeling ill. i literally can’t eat anything without throwing it up, so i’m not being lazy i swear i’m just sick :(


@-honeycone- I srry, I hope u feel better


I got that in November, really the worst. I hope you feel better asap!


hi friends - i’ve got noro virus and i’m sooo fatigue and feeling ill. i literally can’t eat anything without throwing it up, so i’m not being lazy i swear i’m just sick :(


@-honeycone- I srry, I hope u feel better


I got that in November, really the worst. I hope you feel better asap!


finally being done with crave and never having to write from josie or elijah’s perspective ever again lowkey makes me wanna cry cus like…they’re my babies :(


@-honeycone- I'm begging you , I need to know what will happen with Zakaria and devina 


anyways, here’s some fun facts about sagg to lighten the mood! 
          1. Cains name was originally Santiago, till I read a little bit of beg for it, and loved the name Cain. 
          2. I had no story line for the book (surprise!), and then randomly decided I’d make Cain batshit crazy - I wrote a scene of Violette walking into an empty apartment, and all the windows were open because Cain had indeed put Megan in a barrel, but I changed it to hee finding out was in the mafia. 
          3. The story was never supposed to be mafia-related at ALL. It was supposed to be a Joe Goldberg kinda love, but when I was writing SAGG for the first time, wattpad was all mafia so I was sucked into the mafia hole. 
          4. Violette was originally 15 in the very early drafts, until I changed her age. 
          5. Such a good girl has had almost 20 book covers since I started writing it, till today - I’d change the book cover every week, because I believed it would attract more readers. 
          6. I was 15 when I started writing SAGG (which is why Violette was 15 originally), and I turn 19 next month:) So the version of SAGG that’s up right now, is how I used to write when I was 15. 


@-honeycone- I love that you've read Beg for it! I miss it so much!


this message may be offensive
let me make a statement, since some people are confused: 
          in case people forgot i am palestinian. my men written by me are palestinian. my family is palestinian. i wont stay silent on the matter, nor will i not have an opinion because i don’t know enough of the ‘conflict’ as some people like to belittle it to: i AM the matter. i WILL use my platform. i WON’T bow down to anyone who’s on the wrong side of humanity and lost their head. i love the jews, so don’t even begin with the “ohh ohh she’s anti semitic ohh!!” bullshit — what i don’t love is a bunch of zionist’s, a bunch of CORRUPT politics mass murdering men, women, and BEHEADING BABIES in my country. put some fucking respect on the lives that have been lost, and then on my name. i am palestinian till the day i die, and i won’t stay silent when my people are being killed in a genocide. unfollow me until i have approximately 3 followers left…it wont change the genocide nor my opinion. 
          Malik, Elijah and Zakaria Christ are palestinian. 
          from the river to the sea, palestine will be free; all eyes on rafah. 


 As you should baby , respect from Egypt 


as you should im congolese and we have to stand on business to make sure our people are free 


from the river to the sea palestine will be free ❤️


the way my following dropped cus i’m on the right side of a literal genocide is so hilarious 


@ -honeycone-  just uneducated people would stand with Israel 


no I have major respect for you and I am here for you if you ever want to talk  we stand with Palestine  


@-honeycone- | you are such an icon for that <33