
do you think daenys’ sworn protector would try something? https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGebRFVEW/


thank you for 5k followers!!! AHHHH 


@pondboi- thank you so much for your support and I’m glad that my stories make such a difference 


@-saintsiren so well deserved bestie you're representing us black girls so well in your fics, it makes me wanna cry to see my new favorite things (because of you) be turned into something i can enjoy even more.


@ViaVolterra *storms over to snap*


          a big part of daenys' arc for part 3 is her wanting the driftwood throne. she knows that she is the rightful heir to the driftwood throne just like rhaenyra is the rightful heir to the iron throne.  
          in part 2 through her grief she realised that it was a big ambition of hers, but also a way to  stay close to her mother as well as her velaryon roots. aemond, aegon, corlys and even her father daemon confirmed that luke is not laenor's biological son. she saw this confirmation as a green light. 
          i added and changed a lot of dialogue especially between daenys and her maternal relatives in part 2 (corlys, rhaenys and laenor). they know she is a grieving girl and initially won't take her words too seriously, however they know what she is saying is right. it lead rhaenys like in canon to want driftmark to passed through their daughter laena's line through to daenys (their eldest grandchild). yes, they acknowledge laenor's lawful kids, however rhaenys will push the matter more  because she knows what it is like to be overlooked as heir because of her gender.
          that being said, corlys is all about names and legacy, he even says "history doesn't remember blood, it remembers names," a quote that daenys' quickly combats even in her mourning period. and to add the fact that her father placed his desire for rhaenyra over her vulnerability and her sister's by marrying rhaenyra so quickly, it just shows that she will push her goal even further, regardless of what people say. 
          i want to be said that i will defend her actions even more so in this part. because she is the rightful heir, the eldest living grandchild of corlys velaryon... even after her cousin jace who is rhaenyra's heir. i don't want to see people saying she shouldn't go after the throne, because its a threat to rhaenyra... although it's a threat to my girl rhaenyra's claim. 
          daenys is well within her rights to claim what is hers. don't forget that!


yeah she can do no wrong in my eyes 


I had a mini rant about micro - aggressions that are picked up on when I’m reading as black reader or when I am writing as a black reader. 
          If you’re interested or wish to learn check my tumblr. 


@-saintsiren oop very much needed to be said 


@-SPELLONYOU you’re welcome and yes people use the “overreacting” card because they don’t relate or don’t understand. I’m glad to have helped 


i need a good jon snow book ppl


it’s so hard trying to find a good jon snow fic  


@cherienymphe thank you so much, I’m glad that you’re loving my riptide story. I took my Jon snow story down, I wasn’t fond of it anymore. I might rewrite but I’m not sure. Until then I’m spending time on my house of the dragon fic which I have finished writing part 3 so it’ll be out soon. Hope you enjoy! 


@ -saintsiren  Sorry for the hassle or any grammar mistakes — I'm a foreigner and don't know any English, so I read your awesome stories on Google — but what happened to your story with Ruby Barker? I was telling a friend about it. And it's also my fave on this platform.
            And about the House of the Dragon story, Daenys is just perfect! Seriously, I'm getting so attached to her. It's crazy 'cause she isn't even real, but I love her like she is... This just shows how great you are at what you do. A writer with mad skills.


Colin Bridgerton… bores me, I’m sorry but I rolled my eyes every time he came on screen. 


@-saintsiren I feel like they rushed into it. I would rather have to wait to the last episode to see them get together than watch her forgive them in the first episode. This was supposed to be her revenge season yet the writers made it boring :/


@NekodaDotR just one quick apology. I get they’ve been friends but… ugh 


@-saintsiren EXACTLY! Not enough grovelling 


— The fact people are questioning the humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo because it’s not being posted by their civilians is disgusting. Congo has suffering for decades now. Although my dates may be wrong, towards the end of the 18th century the country was colonised by Leopold II (second King of Belgium) who forced the people of Congo into Slavery. The King was known for his brutality and caused half the country to die from punishment and malnutrition. 
          Another name for that is called genocide! 
          That was one example of it, and continues to repeat itself even today! 
          Look at Palestine, they bombed the last place of refuse in Gaza, (Rafah) and it happened conveniently around the Met Gala, where thousands are spent on clothes, jewellery, and even the ticket itself, when that money could be used for good. The money could be used to help families in these genocides and ethnic cleansings at least locate each other, feed, bathe and just make it another year without fearing for their lives. 
          Look, at the moment, the economy is a dump and everyone is pretty much struggling so I’m not saying donate because I can’t afford to myself. But I do hope you guys are continuing to read the truth, most of it’s in history books, and the other will be a deep dive. Keep learning, Keep your eyes open and ignore whatever right-winged, incel, capitalist, victim-blaming propaganda they’ll try and spread. Most of the people in power are mad because we’re not buying into what they’re selling, not like people had no choice but to do in the past. 
          So continue to block anyone who isn’t vocal about their support even if it’s your faves. They don’t know you exist, they only care about your money and attention. They certainly don’t care about the multiple Genocides that are happening currently. FREE PALESTINE FREE CONGO


@-saintsiren it breaks my heart that there are so many suffering there right now 


@modern_sappho96 i just have been doing more research and currently there are 7 - 9 genocides currently taken place.


quick question to HOTD readers and watchers, was Joffrey at Driftmark for Laena’s funeral? He’s a newborn so would take him or nah? 


@sprytzfitz that makes sense because I doubt she would’ve left him in kings landing. Thank you 


I think Rhaenyra did take him he was just with the wet nurses