
Special thanks to @Nikachu22 for accepting to review my story.♥️


Can't wait to edit Cinder To Ashes been writing it back to back. Basically posting the concept of the story, so the second draft will be a little more detailed. But I think the progress is quite nice. Thanks to those who've checked it out♥️


A star has 5 ends, square has 4, triangle has 3, line has 2, but the circle of our friendship has no ends. Send this to everyone you care about ( moi if u do) if u get 5 back ur awesome, if u get 10 back ur popular, and if you get 15 back then DANGGGGGG( DOESN'T HAVE TO BE A CHAINMAIL)


are you still alive?


@-sylver no but i hope to invest even much more <3


@DreLeonWrites You too. It's nice to see you active again:)


@-sylver okay, welp, idk if ur still gonna be open to my support or not, but be blessed