
since some people clearly don’t understand, it is NEVER okay to ask for peoples personal information online. It is NEVER okay to ask for someone’s phone number online. It is NEVER okay to make people uncomfortable just because you can and it is NEVER okay to ignore a situation because you got called out and don’t want to own up and apologize. I apologize to anyone in my server that had this happen today, we are currently trying to handle this privately but we are being ignored and unfollowed on everything. 


( @-wonderhaze ) say it louder for the people in the back !!!


since some people clearly don’t understand, it is NEVER okay to ask for peoples personal information online. It is NEVER okay to ask for someone’s phone number online. It is NEVER okay to make people uncomfortable just because you can and it is NEVER okay to ignore a situation because you got called out and don’t want to own up and apologize. I apologize to anyone in my server that had this happen today, we are currently trying to handle this privately but we are being ignored and unfollowed on everything. 


( @-wonderhaze ) say it louder for the people in the back !!!


for those waiting on deliveries from my graphic shop and book updates, i’m going to try and get all of that done this weekend. The app is glitching like crazy for me right now but once that passes i should have all of the deliveries and maybe a chapter for a fic out !!


what do you guys want to see updated?

