Okay so I just want to say when I first published my book silence, I had no intentions for anyone to really read it and actually like it. I simply had ideas I wanted to put into writing. Now over 1 million people have read my book, and my book is ranked 3rd in the US out of the top ten. I am beyond grateful to all of you and honestly I love you All. Especially sticking with me through the ups and downs!! I love you all<3


@1-700-SLUT-FOR-SMUT I absolutely love you and your book it’s my new favorite and it shall remain my favorite. You deserve every single one of those 1 million reads after all the effort and love you put in to the book. I hope you are doing well and continue to share your wonderful art works with us your loyal readers ❤️


@1-700-SLUT-FOR-SMUT Thank you for letting me know and I'm happy for you  and I'm glad you are making progress 


It was my first book on Wattpad and I love it so much


this message may be offensive
Gurl, I lost words to explain how much I fcking LOVED the book!!! Like-- THE WORDS! Every. single. thing is written sooo fcking well!! No words can explain how good it is! Especially considering, it's your first book. I'm literally just so wasted on this story that I kicked all my work and took a day off today (it was worth it when the book is so damn good!) 
          Since you haven't opened an Instagram account yet for this, do u mind if I publish a reel on this? (ofc I'll ask u first before doing anything)  Like just small dialogue ones which ofc will drag the readers from Insta who would LOVE to read the story. (I'm sorry, idk what shit I'm blabbering, I'm just sooo excited!! :") )
          YOU SLAY!!


Okay so I just want to say when I first published my book silence, I had no intentions for anyone to really read it and actually like it. I simply had ideas I wanted to put into writing. Now over 1 million people have read my book, and my book is ranked 3rd in the US out of the top ten. I am beyond grateful to all of you and honestly I love you All. Especially sticking with me through the ups and downs!! I love you all<3


@1-700-SLUT-FOR-SMUT I absolutely love you and your book it’s my new favorite and it shall remain my favorite. You deserve every single one of those 1 million reads after all the effort and love you put in to the book. I hope you are doing well and continue to share your wonderful art works with us your loyal readers ❤️


@1-700-SLUT-FOR-SMUT Thank you for letting me know and I'm happy for you  and I'm glad you are making progress 


It was my first book on Wattpad and I love it so much


i dont understand how the men are so dissaproving of her marrying someone and them dovorcing them??? i mean it makes sense


She would have to be married to the man until they could kill Aleksei. But the whole point of getting her out of the arranged marriage is so she wouldn’t have to get married at all. She also doesn’t want to be married to anyone. 


@1-700-SLUT-FOR-SMUT true that and there are a lot of good books to read that inspiring creative ideas and lots fan based stuff if you know what I mean 