
MIGHT be hyperfocused on stardew valley and MIGHT be writing a Shane x Reader.....
          	I have a savior complex okay what can I say.
          	There are tweaks to all the characters just so it is more realistic than the game, aka Shane actually is nice to you once you romance him, the others all have actual relationships with each other, ect
          	coming soon, maybe


MIGHT be hyperfocused on stardew valley and MIGHT be writing a Shane x Reader.....
          I have a savior complex okay what can I say.
          There are tweaks to all the characters just so it is more realistic than the game, aka Shane actually is nice to you once you romance him, the others all have actual relationships with each other, ect
          coming soon, maybe


Anyone else see people reading old fics and just scream at their laptop "STOP READING THAT DOG DOOKIE AHHH" or am i just inherently self loathing


@3rinisasimp I am guilty of this as well akskakak


This is your reminder to back up all your works if they're in a notes app!
          i have over 30 notes containing fics, and every single one is corrupt. if i cant import them on my current phone, y'all may never hear from me again.
          Pray for me 


@3rinisasimp Good luck, my friend!


oh god- good luck




          this next fic is good.... too good....
          Loki x Reader 2nd person pov
          Heres your description, you lovelies
          "Ace of Swords"
          When a mysterious portal opens beneath the Odinsons, they fall into a world that is not their own. A world there they are fiction. Mere words on paper and actors on screens. Thankfully, a woman and her roommate stumble upon the two, and seek to aid them. When things go wrong, and dimensions collide, can the binds so easily forged break? Does love truly transcend death and rebirth? 
          This fic is titled after a Tarot card, Ive been learning to read them and interpret their meanings. The Ace of Swords card means the following:
          "The potential for immense power and success, but remember the sword is double edged, depending on who wields it, its power can be used to shelter and protect, or to strike down mercilessly for self-gain." 
          It has alot more meaning that you can read here: 
          The website is part of the app im using to learn tarot, along with a physical set of cards and a book. 
          anyway, i hope you all like it, hopefully i will have a witchy themed fic coming soon, if i can get it out if my head and in writing. It will be geared more towards tarot and witchy stuff than this one. 


@3rinisasimp this sounds so fricking cool!!


this message may be offensive
          So basically Im going through a ROUGH FUCKIN BREAKUP, someone who was not healthy enough to love me in a healthy way. I have been coming to many realizations that this person was not in any way good for me after a certain point in time. I don't hold any resentment or anger at them, just the hope that they get the mental health care they need. They are not some conniving manipulative person, just someone who is very mentally ill. 
          This may be a rough comeback to the platform but it's a way for me to get romance in my life without hurting someone who I try to rebound with.
          There MAY be something in the works....it depends on the vibe and how much I already have written on a fic but it's definitely gonna be Loki something. 
          I appreciate every single one of you and I am doing very well mentally. Sadness comes and goes in waves but for the most part, I feel like myself again. 
          I promise, a mentally unstable bf looks GREAT in a fic, but don't try that shit at home.
          Stay Sparkling Bitches


            You may not remember me at all, but I hope all is well and I am still here for you <3
            May you heal ❤


@3rinisasimp I'm really sorry your going through that rn, wishing you well:)
            If you ever need to talk my pms are open<3