Made some new covers for Wyld Heart and Wyld Fire tonight. I’ll hopefully have some exciting news to share with you on that front soon… 
          	Stay toasty,


Hey friends, 
          If you’re a fan of my writing style and looking for something romantic, you might be interested in this: 
          Happy reading! Stay toasty :) 


@Robert836343 Hey Robert! Thanks for reaching out. This book I recommended here is just a stand alone story, but if you’d like to read Witchfire at some point, the recommended order is outlined in my bio. I hope that helps :) 


@AJSCURRAH it's going on my list if it's different than witchfire and are they numbered sequentially does it matter which order I read


Hey everyone! Sorry for the late update on Wyld Thorns, chapter 12 is up now. 
          Also just a quick a heads up that I won’t be posting this weekend due to some medical stuff. I’m okay but there’s a bit going on and I’d like a chance to rest up! 
          Regular updates will resume the following Saturday, fate allowing. 
          Stay toasty, 


is malice of the mad witch coming after wyld thorns? i want to read the witchfire series but I'm not very keen on reading an incomplete series


@yukishan777 okay rushing there already 


Hey there! Thanks for reaching out :) That’s super fair, I also hate catching up to releases in a series.  
            That’s right — Wyld Thorns will be released first. I’m posting one chapter a week, which means it’ll be complete in a few months, and then Malice of the Mad Witch will likely be released late this year. That being said, it’s book 6, so there’s five other books to read in the mean time if you’re looking to pass the time. No pressure either way though! 


Soldier of the Sand is officially complete! 
          I released all the chapters early so the ending would feel more seamless. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the massive twist in the epilogue, written from Jerome’s POV. 
          What’s next? 
          - A hiatus of two-ish weeks to regenerate some creative energy and inspiration 
          - After the hiatus, weekly updates to Wyld Thorns 
          - Book 6 in the Witchfire series will follow Wyld Thorns completion. A cover reveal will be coming soon! 
          That’s it for now, as I have other projects I’m working on with Wattpad under a different pen name. I won’t say what it is, but I do follow the account if you want to try and figure it out. 
          Stay toasty, 
          - AJ. 


I wonder how can be someone's stories be this much addicting that i have read multiple times repeatedly ❤ love from america 


I honestly couldn’t have woken up to a kinder message, thank you so much! I appreciate you sticking with my stories and it means the world that you enjoy them ❤️


New year, new website! 
          Hey guys, I hope January has been treating you well so far. I just wanted to give you a heads up that I’ve made a new website for my writing and music:
          You can find all of my books, blurbs and their recommended reading order on site, along with some more information about me. I’m also thinking of adding some creative writing resources later. 
          Have an amazing weekend! 
          PS: a new chapter of Soldier of the Sand just dropped :)