
For my fellow writers: A little something different today. Writers helping writers is doing a giveaway leading up to Christmas, and they're giving away some incredible things! If you want to know more, have a look over at their website:
          	Happy writing!
          	Alice ❤


For my fellow writers: A little something different today. Writers helping writers is doing a giveaway leading up to Christmas, and they're giving away some incredible things! If you want to know more, have a look over at their website:

          Happy writing!
          Alice ❤


Hey everyone, it's been a while!
          I'm happy to announce that one of my stories (The Blacksmith's Apprentice from A Tale Before Time) had been featured in @HistoricalFiction 's Flash Backs Anthology! A little short story about a medieval girl who wants to be a blacksmith. If you liked it, go give it some love! Thank you!! 



I absolutely loved your "Great Fairy Tale Book"! I was babysitting some younger kids who would not go to sleep and read them this. Right away they went to sleep. It was a-maz-ing


@needingarestart hahaha! I'm glad it worked so well! Thank you for the lovely comment.


Hey everyone!
          Today, @DistantDreamer, a wonderful author and an incredible person, published her novel SEVENTHBORN! I loved this novel's first draft, and I adored the protagonist, Sera. I can't wait for the book to be in my hands.
          Go check it out, and show her some love!


Hello everyone! (Those of you who are left, that is)
          For the first time in ages I've posted another story. Real life has been incredibly busy (I've become a doctor since I least posted anything, and I've very little control over my working hours or workload, since I'm still not *fully* finished with this insane business). Anyway.
          The @HistoricalFiction profile is organising a SmackDown, and I couldn't not participate. So, hereby, my entry for the qualifying round, a short story about a medieval girl who wants to be a blacksmith. I hope you enjoy it, and in case you'd like to join as well, feel free to hop over to their page for more information.



@YounkinS Thank you! I'm glad you liked it, and I'll check out Kevin MD  nice to meet you. 


I enjoyed your historical fiction post. I am an old doctor and write odd things. Right now I am trying to decide if I should send one of these odd things to an editor or just start over. I have written on Kevin MD and Linked In which is a little different than Watt Pad. You should read Kevin MD if you don’t. Good luck on the historical fiction. 


Glad to find another medico lurking in fantasy and art. :)


@AjAntony I'm a general physician. Now temporary medical officer at a public health centre.


@AjAntony Ah, lucky you. I'm still in GPST. I mean, the hours are reasonable, but the assignments! Endless. What did you specialise in?


@AjAntony ha ha. I'm done. I'm done. All the best for the day of your escape. 


After reading a couple of your works, I was wondering, can you (please) read one of my books called "Winged-Ella" I do think that you would like it cause it's a rewrite of Cinderella. If not it's fine but I do think you would like it.


@WhatisWithin well, you've got wings already, so I see no reason you can't be using more magic.


This is kind of why I'm asking others to read it in the early stages. I can find mistakes and sometimes decide the story is a bad idea from the start. ☺️ However, this is a magical tale. But if it comes to it. I could say that since the Winged are so adapted to flying if a winged is stopped from flying it could take a massive toll on their mental health. As for the wing dragging thing I (that 80 pound bird thing is a good example) suppose that the Winged do have a kind of magic to resist the ground. Orrrr, I could be going to far with this.


@WhatisWithin If they're tiny, they're easily cut off. That's what happens to extra digits, easier to do while they're babies.
            Yes, I have seen bird wings. I also just looked up that for an 80 pound bird, you need a 24 feet wingspan (And that's from an extinct bird, so no one knows if it could fly at all with that weight). They would drape the ground easily, no matter how you fold them.
            I just think it would be the most practical option and the safest, both for her and the people who raise her, if having wings means dying. You can cauterise a bleeding, but you can't bring a dead girl back to life. It would be cruel, but she would get to live a life without fear of getting killed for a pair of wings she's not supposed to use anyway. 
            I was just giving you my view, so you know what a reader thinks. My suspension of disbelief is generally rather fragile, I guess, and I question a lot of things I read and see. This is what I would do if I was the man who found her, giving her her best chance at a good and normal life.


Will you make a book like a Heart of Stone soon? I loved that book and would definitely read more like it 


Awesome! Sorry for the twelve hour workday, but I'll definitely check in every once in a while to check! 


@The_Wandering_Naiad I would love to! I've got several planned, but I just don't have the time to actually write them. My life is so irregular. I'm working 12 hour days at the moment so pretty much all I do is eat, sleep and work. I miss writing a lot... right, long story short: no, definitely won't be soon, but I will at one point.