
Hi everyone, I know Ive been gone for a long long time, but I actually took a step in the right direction and published 2 new chapters of "A Simple Touch" the werewolf story and Im finally feeling a little inspiration hit me. 
          	An update on me... Ive been very busy and lost track of all my stories... it sent me into a depression and I just felt like giving up, but I fought back and I am feeling better than I was (thank god) and Im working on catching up with the plots of my stories. 
          	I am very sorry I have let all you wonderful, beautiful and loyal readers down by going MIA like I did, but it was very hard to explain what was happening in my head. I am currently trying to catch up on my stories and like my friends have said I need to get back up, dust myself off and get back to doing what I love, which is writing. 


You haven’t let anyone down mental health and depression are things that need to be taken care of so for you to take care of yourself there is nothing wrong with that and I hope that you get all the help that you need and all your confidence back you are still an amazing writer and I really hope that one day you have the confidence to get your books published


@AmberTaylor444 I'm so happy to hear that you're doing well. I look forward to reading your masterpieces.


@ AmberTaylor444  
          	  OMG welcome back!!! 
          	  I missed You soooo muuuuch!!! 


Hey fear author,  hope you're doing well and I hope you'll update on Butterfly. I've been longing to read it following Kitten but I can't keep up on the halt so, I'm waiting for you to finish writing it..You're an amazing writer and Kitten is my favorite book out of all the books I've read.


Hey guys, apologies but I'm a new published author new to this website trying to get my healing message out with a poetry book titled 'An Angel That Saved A Boy From Hell' available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. It's a real journey about finding real love amongst the good and bad experiences I've encountered in this life. If you're spiritual or mystical and love poetry, this book is for you. Check it out and dive into a world of real emotions and experiences. Here's the link to my book if you're interested. Thanks for your support!