
Why is ending racism a debate? #blacklivesmatter 


@AshlyBobo see even if we put #mylifematters, there will be immature retards that are going to say something non-sensical but I'm really sure that one day they'd hopefully realise their foolishness


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@AshlyBobo yeah, like even hypocrisy should be within its limits! All lives matter but some things shouldn't be taken too literally like if you interpret black lives matter as black lives alone matter and the like, then it's either utter foolishness because your brains ability to interpret things in a non-literal way is collapsed or you're arrogant to the point where you don't care what the fuck is happening in the real world but go to twitter and pretend to be woke or politically correct or you know, have a high moral ground and say 'blue lives matter' and call us RACISTS and pretend that color doesn't exist like wtf?


@Itskhinandten ikr! And I'm trying to be polite and respectful, but my comments get deleted and people get muted for literally just trying to educate people. Black lives need to matter!!! If all lives matter then you wouldn't be saying blue lives matter as well just what the hell :/


Why is ending racism a debate? #blacklivesmatter 


@AshlyBobo see even if we put #mylifematters, there will be immature retards that are going to say something non-sensical but I'm really sure that one day they'd hopefully realise their foolishness


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@AshlyBobo yeah, like even hypocrisy should be within its limits! All lives matter but some things shouldn't be taken too literally like if you interpret black lives matter as black lives alone matter and the like, then it's either utter foolishness because your brains ability to interpret things in a non-literal way is collapsed or you're arrogant to the point where you don't care what the fuck is happening in the real world but go to twitter and pretend to be woke or politically correct or you know, have a high moral ground and say 'blue lives matter' and call us RACISTS and pretend that color doesn't exist like wtf?


@Itskhinandten ikr! And I'm trying to be polite and respectful, but my comments get deleted and people get muted for literally just trying to educate people. Black lives need to matter!!! If all lives matter then you wouldn't be saying blue lives matter as well just what the hell :/


Hey love thank you for all the votes and comments on my story, I really appreciated it, you should see my face when I woke up to those notifications, I had a big smile plastered on it because of your support and I thank you very much, I hope you enjoyed it enough therefore I can have your continuous support because that would make me happier 
          Thank you❤


@Luminous1617 no problem, your book is really interesting! I only really read high school romance books or maybe a classic book, so your book is definitely something new to me and I'm interested to see what happens! Thank you for the comments and votes on my book, you made me smile as well! Of course I will support you! Have a nice day! :) 


Hi everyone, I renamed my book, "Oh So Lonely" to "Snitches Get Pancakes." If you are interested in that title, please give my book a read! I've been working really hard on it since 2017 :0
          Thank you! Have a nice day! :)