
LitFacts - Did you know?
          	Thomas Pynchon, one of the greatest maximalist authors ever, is a reclusive and, despite the success of his books and level of fame in the literary world, his identity remains hidden, with very few photographs of him circulating since the sixties.


¿Cambiarías por mí?
          -Ella era perfecta pero necesita ayuda.
          -El era perfecto pero no tiene que estar en peligro.
          Dylan es un joven de secundaria ,solitario y se podría decir nerd ,pero el es chico que a pesar de ser algo torpe cambiará la vida de Aylen una chica que tiene literalmente todo a sus pies, pero ella lo que quiere tener debe ganárselo de la peor manera, perdida en su vida una luz de esperanza llegará para rescatarla.
          Una historia de amor única pero con perversa secreto, el estará para ella por el pasado los une, pero ella tal vez no podrá estar para el porque no quiere perder a la única perona que la entiende.
          ¿Qué sentirías saber que el chico rechazado puede salvarte?
          ¿Qué sentirías saber que la chica popular es infeliz ocultando algo perturbador?
          ★Una historia:
          ▪︎Para todas las personas que fueron engañadas por este mundo, para aquellas que son manipuladas por personas falsas, para todas aquellas que dieron todo por alguien y  terminaron lastimadas.
          Para ti que te sientes usado y defraudado de ti mismo/a ,para ti que eres una gran persona por dar a otros y no recibes nada a cambio.
          ~Una historia con su propia playlist ~


LitFacts - Did you know?
          Thomas Pynchon, one of the greatest maximalist authors ever, is a reclusive and, despite the success of his books and level of fame in the literary world, his identity remains hidden, with very few photographs of him circulating since the sixties.


The new issue of our Literary Magazine is finally out! This time, we’re highlighting the stories of the winners of all our contests so far. If you haven’t read these yet, this is your chance! 
          We also invite you to check out the last part of the magazine, where your opinion is needed in regards to the first ever Avant-Pop Awards!


Sounds great will check it out!


We’re looking for literary writers to feature in the next issue of our magazine! If you think you’d be a good fit, reach us out with a DM.


@amaranthinepoetry oh okay I’m not really good at writing but I could try


@itslucilleramirez nothing specific. Short stories of fiction or non fiction work. Read the guidelines of the magazine. 


@AvantPop i don’t know if I’m a good fit but I’m wondering what you are looking for


LitFacts - Did you know?
          David Foster Wallace had hygiene issues.
          Wallace was so embarrassed by his tendency to sweat that he carried a tennis racket in high school, hoping people would think he had just left the court. He was also serious about dental hygiene, keeping a toothbrush in his sock for emergencies.


LitFacts - Did you know?
          Animal Farm was rejected by the biggest names in publishing.
          Faber and Faber editor T.S. Eliot, whose poetry inspired the
          musical Cats, rejected Animal Farm. Eliot disdained its mockery of Stalin’s USSR, Britain’s then-World War II ally. Jonathan Cape, Ernest Hemingway’s British publisher, rejected it after consulting with the wartime Ministry of Information. One publisher told Orwell that “It is impossible to sell animal stories in the USA.” Ultimately, Animal Farm became a hit for Secker & Warburg.


@AvantPop Woah... thatś insane! I love Animal Farm


The winners of our In Life and Death contest are @MWLind and @WyattJMoore ! Congratulations to them and thanks to everyone for the amazing number of entries we received. This one was truly a tough one! We hope to see you all again in our next contests. In the meantime, do check out the winners’ great stories:
          Honorable mention: @HurricaneKareena : https://my.w.tt/HiHVaZDBfab


LitFacts - Did you know?
          Ernest Hemingway checked out F. Scott Fitzgerald’s penis in a Paris men’s room.
          Hemingway chronicled his life in Paris in his 1964 memoir A Moveable Feast, in which he revealed one memorable encounter with F. Scott Fitzgerald. The Great Gatsby author shared that his wife Zelda had mocked his manhood by claiming he wouldn't be able to satisfy a lover. Hemingway offered to investigate the matter and render a verdict. He took Fitzgerald to the bathroom at Michaud's, a popular restaurant in Paris, to examine the organ in question. Ultimately, Hemingway assured Fitzgerald that his physical endowment was of a totally normal size and suggested he check out some nude statues at the Louvre for confirmation.


@AvantPop this one is a bit weird. Lmao


@AvantPop That's so funny!


There’s a hazardous sadness to the first sounds of someone else’s work in the morning; it’s as if stillness experiences pain in being broken. The first minute of the workday reminds you of all the other minutes that a day consists of, and it’s never a good thing to think of minutes as individuals. Only after other minutes have joined the naked, lonely first minute does the day become more safely integrated into dayness.
          - Jonathan Franzen, Freedom