
Good evening/afternoon/morning StarSeekers! Thank you so so much for your patience. I have just released Chapter 18 of So(m)L and we're approximately *counts on fingers*... down to the last FOUR chapters before completing the story!
          	I just wanted to thank those who are still following me despite my long absences and very far apart updating (seriously, thank you all so much) and when I finish So(m)L I'll hopefully move on to shorter and faster projects. Short stories like Let It Out, for example.
          	Anyways, enjoy this chapter, and I'm already starting on the next one since my last one was slightly left on the edge of you know what I mean hehe
          	That's all for this announcement, StarSeekers. Keep loving stories and I hope to meet you around my Kosmos sometime!!


Good evening/afternoon/morning StarSeekers! Thank you so so much for your patience. I have just released Chapter 18 of So(m)L and we're approximately *counts on fingers*... down to the last FOUR chapters before completing the story!
          I just wanted to thank those who are still following me despite my long absences and very far apart updating (seriously, thank you all so much) and when I finish So(m)L I'll hopefully move on to shorter and faster projects. Short stories like Let It Out, for example.
          Anyways, enjoy this chapter, and I'm already starting on the next one since my last one was slightly left on the edge of you know what I mean hehe
          That's all for this announcement, StarSeekers. Keep loving stories and I hope to meet you around my Kosmos sometime!!


Good evening/morning/afternoon StarSeekers! (New name btw!) Apologies for over one month of no announcements even though I said at LEAST one update every month. Don't worry though, I am in the middle of working on the next chapter for So(m)L. And as consolation, I've quickly whipped up a new poem to hopefully entertain a few of you guys in the meantime.
          This month of May, I hope to have not one, but two chapters ready for So(m)L, wish me luck!
          That's all for now, and as always, I will see you all gliding through my Kosmos!!


@David_NL hi! Sorry if it seemed like that hehe. I also haven't forgotten about your story, it's been a while since I've read a story just for fun!
            One thing I do know, is that once I've completed So(m)L, I'm going on a book binge-reading and yours is definitely one of the books at the top of the list : D


            Alright, pal. You've really been away for too long that I thought you no longer held interest in your story or the platform.
            By the ways, I never forgot about Axle and Elaine. It's been so long hearing from those two. Hopefully, you'd come around as said. Goodluck. :) 


I won't bore you all with my excuses, but I do apologize for the over-a-month-long absence. So, hi there! How has your night/day been going? I have finally gotten around to completing chapter 17 of So(m)L and as a sort of apology, this one is almost a thousand words longer than usual hehe (but that probably won't last too long before you guys reach the end of it)
          Like I said before, the story is halfway over. I hope I get to reach my deadline of it being completed by July of this year so wish me luck! My estimate number of chapters to post in the future will be around 10 ish more before the story is over, so I hope you all look forward to them!
          As for my poetry book, I already have a few ideas to turn into poems, but I'll prioritize So(m)L and my personal life so that'll be a slower update than So(m)L.
          That's all I wanted to announce. I really hope to make an announcement for the next chapter soon. (Hopefully around mid-April or end of April). Until then, keep on wandering about my fictional Kosmos and I hope to you all around!!
          P.S. if I haven't completed my r4r with anyone here, I sincerely apologize. I will now use this time between this update and writing the next chapter to fulfill my promise to those I agreed an r4r with


Hello! Just wanted to share this beautifully themed awards by @TheCogitatioRealm 

          Also, new chapter for So(m)L may come out this weekend too! (Hopefully hehe)


Hello! It's been a while, I am just here to announce this nice wonderful awards being hosted by @Ravendipity

          On a quick side note, the next chapter of So(m)L is more than halfway completed! So I hope you can look out for that soon. Hope to announce again soon, until then, have a wonderful night/day : D


Ty so much for adding my Pokemon: Blood Curse fic to your list! <3
          I hope you enjoy it! :3


@Azuriko_Kito Oh cool! Yeah, this story's a lot more different than most I've seen or read. A few Pokemon friends of mine agreed that my fic is very different. XD
            I look forward to your thoughts as you read, I'd love to hear them! <3


@EvonySiren2 You're welcome! Took a dip into the first part and I'm excited to fully get into it when I get the time!!


Hello everyone! I just updated my poem book with another piece that I hope to be an inspiring or encouraging one : ) Thank you all to my new followers and for those who have read any of my works, I appreciate it all <3
          Aside from that, I just wanted to say that the next chapter of So(m)L is already being written! And that I will change the cover for it soon. A huge thanks to @rainhither for helping me craft the new cover to life. I couldn't have made it without her so please to show their profile and stories some love!
          Oh and also, just wanted to share my short story titled Let It Out to anyone who is interested : D From my gathered comments, it's a short and sweet read that may (or may not!) give you guys a happy hormone boost. I hope you guys are able to check it out on my profile.
          That is all for my announcements, thank you all again and I hope to see you around my Kosmos!! 
          P.S. I am looking for a creative way of calling you all instead of the generic "guys" and "my followers" into something more nice/cool and simple. I already have some ideas, I hope I get to decide soon and introduce it to you during my next announcement. : D


@Azuriko_Kito ✨... I like the new slice of magic life cover.


Before anything else, I want to wish you all a Happy New Year and I hope you all enjoyed the holidays!! Apologies for the sudden unannounced absence, I got busy with the holidays and with personal responsibilities so much that I had to slow down my writing progresses.
          Since it's the new year, why not start it with a progress update right?
          For starters, I've finally updated So(m)L with the latest chapter! Hope you all can check it out if you want : )
          Next up, I just wanted share that my short story Let It Out has gained its first 100 reads and that it won second place in the Aster Awards Short Story category hosted by @heather_community Thank you so much to the judges who took the time and effort to read my and the other contestants' stories, I really appreciate it <3
          Next is that my main novel So(m)L has reached 300 reads! And though it hasn't won as many contests as Let It Out, I can still proudly say, that it has been doing well so far. The story itself is also halfway done at this point so I do hope you guys can stick around until the end of it : )
          Finally, I want to announce based on my activeness and busy schedules recently, that chapter updates will most probably now be every three weeks OR every month at the latest. This is to give myself enough time to write up a chapter while also taking care of personal businesses I have in my life.
          That is all for now, if you managed to read all of those updates up until here, then you have my deepest thanks and best wishes for the new year : ) I apologize again for the absence, and may all of you have a prosperous and amazing year ahead! I'll be wishing and casting spells to make your days as magical as it can be this year ; )
          P.S. if you're following my poetry book, expect that I'll have another poem ready by the end of this week that will hopefully be inspiring and uplifting for you as you start the new year : D


@Azuriko_Kito happy new year to you too Kito! And congrats on the award for your short story :))