
Hello my beautiful readers! I had to send an IT ticket to Wattpad. For some reason it says I have zero chapters for all my books and they are somehow drafts? So I can't edit or add anything through my phone. I can see everything fine through my laptop, and from the comments readers leave me I don't think any of my readers are having a problem seeing my books like normal. If you do, please let me know. And don't panic if something goes missing! I have all of my stories saved at the moment on a separate drive on my laptop (I still need to add Coincidences to my drive). 


Hi there. I am currently reading An Alpha for an Alpha and LOVING IT....damn The hot scenes are AMAZING and tastefully done... the storyline is fantastic, and I keep waiting and wanting more. Thanks for sharing your talent.  Am a fan.


@Tazzaster2000 Thank you so much! It's always nice to read positive comments ❤️ I'm so glad you enjoyed it


i´ve recenly come across your story "an alfa for an alfa" and i love it!!! i was looking for something like that but the stories i found wasn´t what i was looking for. I´m so exited to read another of your stories. I hope you keep writting more in the future. thankss! take care of yourself.


Hello my beautiful readers! I had to send an IT ticket to Wattpad. For some reason it says I have zero chapters for all my books and they are somehow drafts? So I can't edit or add anything through my phone. I can see everything fine through my laptop, and from the comments readers leave me I don't think any of my readers are having a problem seeing my books like normal. If you do, please let me know. And don't panic if something goes missing! I have all of my stories saved at the moment on a separate drive on my laptop (I still need to add Coincidences to my drive). 


Are you going to do a sequel on Alex and Spence??  Would love to read if you do.  I really enjoyed the story on Sebastian and Oliver. 


I want to read their sequel too. They deserve more ❤️


Ditto. Absolutely loved An Alpha for an Alpha. 