
          	Please keep those who could not make it to this Eid in your duaas. It’s crazy in the world right now and even I feel guilty for the luxury I have while knowing people in Sudan, China, Congo, Kashmir, and Palestine are suffering the atrocities of genocide and war.
          	Remember them this Eid. Remember their pain, and look around you. Look at how loved you are by your family and friends and hold them tight.
          	And if you have no one to celebrate Eid with, then remember that Allah is always with you. With every hardship will come ease.
          	I love you all <3


@Beauty4evar Eid Mubarak, we love you more!!!!


Have you ever noticed that when you talk to Allah, something changes, yet nothing? Like it’s not your outside that changes to visible results, but surely Allah swt, through His mercy, instantly gives peace and calm to that burning sensation inside of you, like talking to Him instantly soothes the aches of your heart and soul. And deep down, it feels like Allah is there for you and taking care of your affairs. Just by talking to Allah, everything feels much better. SubhanAllah.✨


السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 
          How are you 
          From a fan of your work and little side notes at the end of each chapter, a little letter to tell you that we miss you. I hope you're okay. I just read the last chapter from Less than Perfect. The message about Palestine and using your book to remind people abiur Palestine really touched my heart. May Allah make everything easy for you and your family as well.
          Please don't forget about us. We really miss you.
          Take care, in sha Allah 
          السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته 


Salaams! This lowkey made me tear up bc i really thought people forgot about my books. It makes me so happy to see that people are still reading. I will finish LTP iA. Its taking longer because i was moving into my new home and then visiting family but i am working on it!


          Please keep those who could not make it to this Eid in your duaas. It’s crazy in the world right now and even I feel guilty for the luxury I have while knowing people in Sudan, China, Congo, Kashmir, and Palestine are suffering the atrocities of genocide and war.
          Remember them this Eid. Remember their pain, and look around you. Look at how loved you are by your family and friends and hold them tight.
          And if you have no one to celebrate Eid with, then remember that Allah is always with you. With every hardship will come ease.
          I love you all <3


@Beauty4evar Eid Mubarak, we love you more!!!!


Salaams everyone!
          I hope the last ten days of Ramadan have been beneficial to you. 
          I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about Wattpad removing/deleting stories and not giving authors a backup. I have most of my books on a drive but I’ve been slacking with LTP and Lovebirds.
          As you all know about the ahem political climate and how my stories touch those topics every now and then, I’m going to start moving my chapters on the drive so if they get deleted, I can repost. 
          This means both books will probably be updated slowly or every 3-4 weeks while I move all the chapters >.>
          Stay safe with your stories!


@_xsma_ ik i saw the reddit posts and i got scared which is making me hold off on posting new chapters while i save my current stuff


@JaveriaNaeem9 bro its crazy i was like uhh i write controversial stuff sometimes i am in danger 


@Beauty4evar wow, just came across this and it's made me realize that i should do this with my book as well :( Thank you so much for reminder ❤️❤️


Ramadan Mubarak everyone! Thank you for all the kind comments on my last chapter. I appreciate you all <3 I'll try to post the next chapter of "Lovebirds" later this week/early next week.


@Beauty4evar Ramadan Mubarak my favorite author 


Ramadan Mubarak ♥️


I absolutely loveeeee your stories they are soo good your story especially bìtter sweet it gives me hope and promotes faith you're so talented MashAllah love from bangladesh


@SherlockGennifer ahhh thank you so much! This makes me so happy!!! I'm actually visiting Bangladesh this week so it makes me happy to know I have book fans there


Assalamualaikum everyone!
          I know I’ve been very absent recently and honestly it’s not on purpose. I’ve been trying to work in the YouTube channel or at least get it going along with keeping up with my work responsibilities. I’ve also been a little unwell so the physical toll of that has been painful and uncomfortable.
          I am writing and I will finish LTP and Lovebirds inshaaAllah. That is a promise I am making. I missed you guys :) 


Hey, I can't find bittersweet anywhere on amazon. Is it still available?


Pls update LB and LTP I need an escape from my boring life!!


@15hameeda  thank you so much!!!!!!


@15hameeda i have the LB update ready just havent edited yet and i still need to write LTP >.<