

Sneak peek of chapter 19:
          I know she's here, trying her best to distract herself. Cole's unfortunate addiction problem is one that we both never saw coming.
           It's why im here. To help be whatever she needs me to be. She's always been my light through all my darkness. 
          She is my dark Angel. 
          I don't know how many times that Ray has been my light, my breath of fresh air, my compass--my absolute true north. And, for her I only casted  darkness and headache on her life. God, I've always believed I needed her so much more then she's ever needed me...
          So, now I have a chance to be her light through her despair. I will be everything she is for me.


Also, I'm halfway finished with the next update to His Kingdom guys. I've been in a foul mood the last couple of weeks and with that ove not felt the urge to write and I apologize. Stress of everyday life has been the culprit. I swear the update will be uploaded by Tuesday night at the latest. Thank you all for your patience. ❤


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Just got home from work, tired as fuck of course, and I load up wattpad to find that Lindsey has uploaded not one, not two, but three chapters of her new standalone TLHT!! Great start to my next two days off. Thank you @Queen_of_Desires ❤❤❤


Hey guys, sorry i haven't updated just yet, my two days off I wasn't well (dang on allergies due to the horrid amount of pollen just blowing about :( ) I promise in every second spare time I have this week I'll get the chapter written and hopefully have it out to you before Sunday... The next update may be a
          Slightly delayed because Tuesday falls on the last day of the month and I have to do entire store inventory count. But om hoping to have it complete by Wednesday/possibly Thursday night... (Fingers crossed) if I don't have it complete I'll drop in and give you a heads up. But, I've been trying my hardest to make sure I update once a week. I feel like once I've gotten my primary job under control and running perfectly, something happens and I have to rearrange my life to help everyone else out, but when I need the help, I get "sorry, impossible,"... But, I guess that's just what I'm supposed to expect from ungrateful buttfaces... Lol
          ANYWHO, again sorry for a later update this week and i appreciate all of you guy's patience and understanding... 
          Love you all xoxo
          Toothpick ❤❤


Guys, I havent forgotten abput the new update, my mid cpunt fell on a Monday and I didn't have time to finish the end of the new chapter. (It's 3/4 done tho!) I'll try and work on it as much as possible but I domt have a for sure set day it ill have it complete. Bear with me please