
Is anyone else having posting issues? I keep trying to transfer my notes to here and the format is all messed up. Been doing it all day. 


@Broken_Samurai_ hope it works soon cant wait for the next parts :)
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Thank you for writing your stories, they really make my day better and give me a boost of creativity!!!


 Awww thank you! Thank you for reading them and I’m so glad they make you happy and help your creativity!
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Is anyone else having posting issues? I keep trying to transfer my notes to here and the format is all messed up. Been doing it all day. 


@Broken_Samurai_ hope it works soon cant wait for the next parts :)
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Hey everyone! In case Wattpad starts deleting stories I’m over on Archive of our Own/AO3 under Broken_Samurai . I actively post all of my work there so just in case you can find me there! 


@CorvoTheRaven I would just to be safe. Some of my writing friends have mentioned some of their works getting deleted so just wanted another place people can find me 
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            This is concerning, why would they be deleting stories? 
            Currently working on an original right now so should I also move to Ao3? 
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Would you all enjoy books on the other Slender brothers? Just curious. I’m working on two different ones but I’m curious if people would like they?


@Broken_Samurai_ itll be interesting with Sledorman or Trederman i would love to see those it would be some cool books!
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@Broken_Samurai_ well I think it's a good idea to incorporate more of the idea that Offender can read people's aura's could you write an x reader around that idea 
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