
Hey everyone, random question but what is Felix’s surname like the proper one. I’ve seen Fathom, Graham de Vanily, Agreste and Culpa. Is there a specific surname or is just any of them?
          	Also updates will be coming very soon, thx. 


Fandom.com says Fathom. Probably his father's last name. Agreste wouldn't make sense, as he isn't related to the Agrestes, he's related to Adrien, who is a Graham de Vanily. That name would also make sense. Don't know where Culpa came from.


Hello . Let me tell you again my idea ?!


@HoumanMv  Hi  i still haven't watched the movie, I can't remember the whole plot you sent me.  If you could retype it, I could begin writing this once I get a chance to watch the movie. I also forgot to ask the first is this idea like a short story idea with 4-5 long chapters or a book? If a book how many chapters are you thinking?


             Hello . You could write a story about the idea I gave you?! 


@HoumanMv  yes please, that will be helpful


Hey everyone, random question but what is Felix’s surname like the proper one. I’ve seen Fathom, Graham de Vanily, Agreste and Culpa. Is there a specific surname or is just any of them?
          Also updates will be coming very soon, thx. 


Fandom.com says Fathom. Probably his father's last name. Agreste wouldn't make sense, as he isn't related to the Agrestes, he's related to Adrien, who is a Graham de Vanily. That name would also make sense. Don't know where Culpa came from.


Hi, I’ve been thinking of writing a book around the movie Now You See Me and potentially one around the Inheritance Games book. If I were to do this would anyone be interested in reading it? Or is this there another book or show you would like a book based around?


Hi, I just wanted to say I am now on Archive of Our Own still learning how to use it but I'll be posting on there soon. I'm starting by publishing Daminette December a finished book while I figure it out. If anyone has any tips to get started that would be great. 
          Wrong Number will be updated tomorrow so look out for the next chapter thanks.


@Butterflykingdom33 Could you send the link to Archive of Our Own please?