
          	Arrived late but in style lol 


          Hey Stranger ✨❤️✨
          What does love mean to you?
          You might be interested in the book I'm writing. It explores baring your  soul to someone in hopes that it would lead to true love.
          I'll be posting chapters every Fridays so you'll always have something to look forward to.✨
          I hope you join me on this journey.
          Warning! You might just fall in love!❤️



Hey people! It's me, yeah, I've been offline A LOT due to school. Other than that, I wanna annouce that I will not continue any book I have ever started (surprise, I guess? Not like I've been here lol). 
          However, I wanna take the more "official" route. I want to write a book so freaking bad, however, I want it to be really appreciated. Will I ever get around to it? I don't know. But I want to, at least. :)
          I went through a bad reading slump when I first entered the world of Wattpad, then eventually Discord. Instead of writing, I would be socializing instead. Ever since I sorta left this app, I would find myself reading a book. I think that is more productive with my time.
          My irl life is crazier, too. School takes up a lot. I'm not as lonely anymore, I have some really good friends now. I have a boyfriend! We've been dating for almost eight months. I'm not as introverted anymore. I've learned to be confident, but it's still reeeeaaallly hard. 
          Love you guys. This app helped me in a hard time, where I was lonely irl. But I never felt truly lonely, thanks to this community. <3
          So, hey, my internet name is CC. How's your life been?


- Y'all I'm officially back on discord
          - Gonna be offline starting June 12-30, only gonna be able to check both apps on the 17th & 24th. I am a Councelor in Training at my summer camp so I'll be working all three week
          - Patience people! Writing will resume in July, perhaps? I'm taking this past week and next week worldbuilding