
Smiley Coyote just started posting a new work. It is some rambling ruminations, words of wisdom and awesome alliteration from your favorite coyote.  An experiment, not so much a story as a stream of consciousness focused on human folly. Please enjoy the silly similes and playful, philosophical, political, provocative, purposeful, and pensive prose, pontifications, parables, philippics and polemics.  As with Schrodinger's cat, everything is uncertain until you take a peek.   Spoiler, the cat is alive.  What happens to the rest of us is the uncertainty.  
          	Check it out:


@CFarley982 Hahaha You're not bad at alliteration yourself. 


Smiley Coyote just started posting a new work. It is some rambling ruminations, words of wisdom and awesome alliteration from your favorite coyote.  An experiment, not so much a story as a stream of consciousness focused on human folly. Please enjoy the silly similes and playful, philosophical, political, provocative, purposeful, and pensive prose, pontifications, parables, philippics and polemics.  As with Schrodinger's cat, everything is uncertain until you take a peek.   Spoiler, the cat is alive.  What happens to the rest of us is the uncertainty.  
          Check it out:


@CFarley982 Hahaha You're not bad at alliteration yourself. 


The @esthetiquecommunity are hosting a Fiction Awards: 

          The awards are set up to not only highlight new books, but also to give reviews on the strength and weaknesses of each story, to provide a learning experience for everyone involved.  I was attracted to this competition for the opportunity to have my work reviewed.


At my age, the only sense I have left is my sense of humor and even it is often nonsense.


@CFarley982 Bet l beat you to it; how about an elder writer's transition from two-finger typist to the next stage below... :))


@CFarley982 only sense is a nonsense?


@CFarley982  Don't feel bad, Joe. I am the same way. 


Happy Mother's Day! We are staying up to catch the Aurora Borealis, but so far nothing.


@CFarley982. Hey Joe, if you didn't catch it last night. I think it is supposed to last through Sunday night. I read to point your phone camera in the direction. It will catch the light better. Good luck I tried to stay up. I was in bed 10. 


Now that private messages are gone.  If you want to send me a private message, email me at .  
          Ironically, the only Private messages not deleted were those to and from Wattpad. For me they were a half dozen queries I'd sent them none of which were answered.


@CFarley982 My inbox is neat and clean to be honest. 


@CFarley982 Same for me and surveys they had sent me.


Here is a petition to stop Wattpad from removing Private messaging: 
          I doubt it will do much good, but it couldn't hurt.
          Note it is a website that promotes numerous other petitions so you may want to exit from it once you sign this one.


@CFarley982 Thanks very much for sharing this, I have signed the petition!


Happy saint Patty's Day when everyone celebrates their Irish heritage by partying and drinking too much. We went to Casey's for corned beef and cabbage. We treated ourselves to Irish nachos and I had my first Irish car bomb in fact I had two. For those who have never had one, I highly recommend  it.  Our server Stephanie joined us and showed me how you were supposed to drink them in a single swallow.  I couldn't do it.  Told her I was too old for that.  Anyway, I survived and am home now.


@CFarley982 Sounds like I'm glad I am not Irish. I was iffy until you said it curdles


@Robertwaltonnovelist Fill a shot glass half full with Bailey's Irish cream liquor and top it off with Jameson's Irish whiskey.  Drop the shot glass into half a mug of Guinness beer just like you do by dropping a shot glass of whiskey into a mug of beer for a boiler maker.
            Actually, it is very good if you leave off the Bailey's. Even though I think there is no better drink than Bailey's, it is best when added to a chocolate milk shake.  In a car bomb it curdles if you don't drink it quickly.