
I am so in love with the plot of my next book how do I have myself GAGGED by my own plot twist hahahah


and if I say you should drop another little quote piece bc it’s pride month… 


Hey, I have an important question for you. First of all, I love, love love your books. They're wonderful. Personally, I am an author from Germany and as you can see from my account, I am actually a little popular. I would love to translate your book 'Silk Sheets' into German so that even more people have the opportunity to read this unique book. However, it's completely okay if you don't want to! But I would really appreciate permission and I think many German readers would too. Have a great day!! 


@Jungkoockys I do not allow anymore translations due to copyright reasons. Thanks! 


hi, I recently read silk sheets and I must admit it was out of this world truly astounding. I was greatly fascinated, and I would say so far, you're my favorite author I'm always picky in choosing books but your work is unbelievable. I'd be glad if you checked out my book and gave me assistance while I was writing my book, I was inspired me ace and many other books so I'm gathering ideas or insights. I'd love it if you were to check it out and tell me what's needed.
          Enjoy your day:)


I understand. thank you and Goodluck :)


@yourauthor_YunA thank you! But I want to be transparent and say I do not have the time to look at anyone’s work right now, I am in the process of meeting a deadline for the current book I am writing, and will probably not be available to review anyone’s writing for a while. I am sorry! 


I am so in love with the plot of my next book how do I have myself GAGGED by my own plot twist hahahah


and if I say you should drop another little quote piece bc it’s pride month… 


I want to read ruthless, but reading whole story of solace for that is just not sitting right, i read its epilogue as mentioned in the starting of the book ruthless. Is there any way I can get a summary of the book solace so i understand what is at least happening in the sequel. 
          And btw i loved silk sheets, i have read a lot of books on wattpad but this was lit. Legit lit 


@worldlyworld .please read solace's a masterpiece 


@worldlyworld if I summarized it here it would spoil it for everyone else. You can ask in the comments of the last chapter of solace and one of the ppl who read it can answer 


My newest work will NOT be BTS related. I am taking the opportunity to flesh out all my own characters without any association. I know a good portion of people will not read it because it is not featuring any of them which is completely fine, but I have also written almost 7 and currently 4 LONG fully published BTS fanfics. 
          I will continue to write Eden Rising (featuring Jimin and Tae) along with Tantalize. But I would like to credit myself for my own writing instead of feeling like I am only successful in writing because of WHO are the face claims. 
          Thank you for understanding! 


@CallMeByYourName97 we're gonna still read and we understand you.


"What about you?" I ventured, taking the focus of myself. If I were less passive, I would admit that I was perhaps slightly curious about whether the male felt what he described. "I mean the bond could affect you too. Not that I am assuming you would be tempted otherwise." 
          The impenetrable man studied me, his expression dubious despite his sweeping glance. 
          For once, he was taking my question seriously. His fingers ran over his full lips absentmindedly as he contemplated his retort that would likely shame me. 
          "Too sweet." He rumbled, settling on an answer. His eyes were a rolling storm cloud when he angled his face closer to mine, challenging me. "I prefer my woman to bite back."
          Coming soon - Summer 2024 


Can’t wait I’m so excited ‍


@jiminparkwife_95 it’s not BTS at all. It’s all my own characters