
this message may be offensive
Might quit music as well as books, my shit has fallen off, no one wants to listen anymore... Oh well...


@CamSchells Please don't quit! Your music and stories mean the world to me ! I can't begin to explain how many times your music or stories have kept me from harming myself when I've felt at my lowest moments in life. You've saved my life more times than I can count. If you ever quit making music, cat stories and fan fic, I don't know if I would live very long.


@CamSchells  don't quit your dream man! You've been working so hard to make music, and if things are getting hard then it's ok to take a break or if it's becoming harder to make music because of other things than try to figure it out, try to make a plan! But don't give up on your dreams!


@CamSchells if you like doing this don’t quit it don’t think anything about if people like it or not listen to the songs you play do you the books you write think back did you make them because you enjoyed it or for the viewers if you don’t want to continue then don’t but people do like your song’s and books but don’t ever do something you don’t want to do for the sake of others… :)


You are the light and love that the world of chaos and darkness needs Cam Schells.. Shine Bright.. Show the world your talents and your resilience, the boundless strength that resides within your beautitful heart and free spirit. You are a beacon of hope for the lost souls of the Earth. Those that are restless find inner peace within your words, encouragement, and melodies. Stay strong. You must guide those that don't have the same inner strength as you have gained through all of your struggles and hardships.. tho you live with unspeakable pain each and every day..  you have always managed to rise above it.. soaring above the clouds like the half angel warrior king that have gotten to know.. don't let set backs be the end of your bright light that you've been able to gift the world.. you mean so much more than that to so many people.. Never dim your light ... find a way to rest your spirit and continue the fight.. Don't give in to your battles... Stand your ground Warrior King! You can turn set backs into beautiful dreams... You are talented, brilliant, smart, handsome, a beautiful soul, with a kind heart. You have saved more souls than you may ever realize. Continue to persevere in the darkest of times so that you may enjoy the light that follows its path. You got this my love. My Bestie. My Hero. Hang in there. Goodness Light and Love are bound to come your way eventually. Your due some good karma my dear. I love you with all my heart and soul. Everything will be okay. Pray. Trust God. Believe in yourself. It will all work out somehow. Have Faith. God wouldn't walk you through the flames just to drown you. God must have some kind of plan in store for you yet. It just might not be very clear right now my dear Cam. Have Peace Today. Know that God is with YOU. May you heart be filled with happiness and renewed strength. Courage is not the lack of fear, rather the choice to continue in the face of one's fears. You have always shown me that you are courageous my love.


this message may be offensive
Might quit music as well as books, my shit has fallen off, no one wants to listen anymore... Oh well...


@CamSchells Please don't quit! Your music and stories mean the world to me ! I can't begin to explain how many times your music or stories have kept me from harming myself when I've felt at my lowest moments in life. You've saved my life more times than I can count. If you ever quit making music, cat stories and fan fic, I don't know if I would live very long.


@CamSchells  don't quit your dream man! You've been working so hard to make music, and if things are getting hard then it's ok to take a break or if it's becoming harder to make music because of other things than try to figure it out, try to make a plan! But don't give up on your dreams!


@CamSchells if you like doing this don’t quit it don’t think anything about if people like it or not listen to the songs you play do you the books you write think back did you make them because you enjoyed it or for the viewers if you don’t want to continue then don’t but people do like your song’s and books but don’t ever do something you don’t want to do for the sake of others… :)


Congratulations on your CATS story being ranked #1 in verified category! You're my superstar! That's amazing!!!


Love You Cam! Hang In There!


@CamSchells Please don't give up! I'm fixing to start back to chasing my dreams with you tomorrow and I don't want to do it alone. You are my superhero... I can't make my dreams come true without you Cam!


I hope everyone had a great memorial day weekend!


Same to you ♥️♥️♥️


@CamSchells hope you had a great memorial day also


Yiiiii Yiiiii Yiiiii Yiiiii Yin and Yang!!!
          Fiiii Fiiii Fiiii Fiiii Fire and Flames!!!
          Yeah I know they took my soul!
          I live in a sea of thieves!
          Y'all don't wanna miss what's coming for my birthday album this year!


@CamSchells hope u have a wonderful Birthday!


@CamSchells congratulations Cam! great job!


@CamSchells it kind of reminds me of a theme song of a canceled Disney show called yin yang yo, it cane out on jetix


MintNose's Mission is dropping right now! If you love cats, and the Warrior Cats series go check it out! It is (Book 15) in my main series, more of a side story but a very important side story!
          The prologue and Chapter 1 are out right now, and I will be dropping more parts over the next few days... My music is put in there too!
          If you are interested, go check out the first few books before reading this one to get a better knowing of the characters!


Still working tho I'll check it out before I go to bed 


@CamSchells God bless you babe This is so cool 


New song out now, go check it out...
          I'm going to start publishing a new book tomorrow...
          Book 6 (Finale) for my zombie series, or the finale for a couple years of the Warrior Cats side stories... Let me know which one y'all want...


I miss my cat named cow... RIP Cow you were the baby that I wish I never had to abandon... God Bless you sweet baby kitten.. I sorry for the unfortunate circumstance that we went through together my dear kitten. I loved you very much. I'd give my right arm to have you back in my life. Well maybe thats a bit extreme... so maybe not. Crying.... Cam don't read this im sorry i cant help im crying i really miss my cat! i might need to go lay down while i cry. ill work on your linktree after i get down crying. im having trouble looking at the computer right now. im truly sorry Cam... why did I have to lose you Cow!!!!?


@Anonymous_Author163 exactly he is doing amazing I agree


Book 3 in LOTR is now completed! Would mean a lot to me if y'all could go check it out and drop some votes!


Congratulations on your new song 