
While working on the segments for Chapter 3 of "The Hunt for Jack the Ripper" I am working on a comic called Brain Dead (still a working title) so if my process on updating is slower than usual, that's why.


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Just as I predicted, I wasn't able to update the next chapter since I returned home from the festival exhausted as all hell and I simply needed to rest. But rest assure you, I'm getting back to writing. I missed writing very much and I hope to catch up with it again.


So, a bit of a fair warning, if I don't update this Sunday, it's because I'm at a festival in San Juan. And I might be there until midnight. If you're wondering why I can't simply upload the next segment via phone, it's because I write everything on computer. So, sorry guys. I will get the next segment up after the festival is over. See ya soon.


Just updated The Hunt for Jack the Ripper yesterday and I will say, I am happy that Chapter 2 is soon coming to a close. I will say Chapters 2  is going to be the start of my crisis because it makes me realize that Chapter 3 is going to involve a lot more action scenes and I'm so scared of writing the action scenes. Just God help me XD I feel like after Chapter 3, I might need to take a small break to recover. Especially when I realized Chapter 3 will have the most POVs. XD Probably might need 2 or 3 Sundays without posting chapters. XD


Now that we're in the new year of 2024, I want to get a few things off my chest. I've always failed in being a consistent writer throughout the years. Not only due to schedule, but also insecurities and doubt in myself. I've never been able to build goals for myself because I am always afraid I would never reach my goal or if I did, I know some people will not like it. But I want to start off different. I am going to try and set goals for myself. I don't just want to write fanfiction stories, I also want to write Original stories. Mostly because I have insane ideas for them and I am very passionate about them. My biggest hope is to reach that goal of completing my first original novel. I want to thank those who stuck around and supported my writing this year and the many years before and I want to thank new followers and followers that will come around in the future. I hope to see you all throughout this journey and happy writing.


@Cinful_Writer26  Self doubt... been there, done that (still being there, still doing that, to be honest), but if you don't write and expose it to others, you'll never get over it. As for some people not liking your writings... every person is different, it's bound to happen. You can't please them all. Just keep writing what you want to write! 


@ Cinful_Writer26  U will rock this!! Go for it!! Love ur ffs <33


Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to my fellow readers. I was finally able to post another POV segment of "The Hunt for Jack the Ripper" before December 25 as a nice little gift for you guys. I was tempted in writing a Christmas special in the fanfiction but I preferred not to deviate from the plot so my apologies for that. I still hope you enjoy this segment and expect another one next week 


I am now in the process of editing the next segment of "The Hunt for Jack the Ripper". I plan on posting it on Christmas Eve as a nice little Christmas present for you guys so be on the look out and have a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays.


While I tend to try and post each segment of The Hunt for Jack the Ripper every Sunday, I thought I'd make an exception by posting today because it's Ciel Phantomhive's birthday. With Ciel, I wanted to make him a little more active when it comes to investigating murders and disappearances, rather than have Sebastian always doing the work for him.  I believe Yana Toboso described Ciel being the brains and Sebastian being the muscle so I want to delve into the intellectual aspect of Ciel's character.


While the next segment is being written for The Phantomhive Diaries, I thought I'd share some interesting facts about the Ripper case. 
          For those who don't know, it is believed Jack the Ripper's name came from a letter called "Dear Boss" written by the serial killer himself . He wrote the letter to the police mocking them and boasting about his killings, and it was written in red ink which some people thought it was actually the victims' blood. Though that part was still debatable, I wouldn't be surprised if he actually did that. While some believed the letter to be a hoax, some believed for it to be valid due to how horribly descriptive and accurate it was in terms of how Jack killed his victims.