
Heyyy! I love your story Mr harsh and her. I love your character and the way you write your stories. I wanted to say can you please create a sequel to Mr harsh and her maybe a book on jer daughter that would be great. THANK YOU!


Hello there.. 
          I have been reading ur books for long while now..
          They are beautiful..
          So wanted to ask is..why have u taken down Mr.Hotshot and her..? @CocoaButter101's


@CocoaButter101 ..
            Hey Sweetie..
            For the age of 19 u sure as hell..way to beautifully Blessed with art of sight and scripting it down correctly..
            I am  way to blown out of proportion while reading ur content...
            U do the moment.. Empathetically spiralling the emotions to the right order amidst the chaos..of ones mind life Hera..
            Where one soul with its chaos.(Hera). gets collided into another ones that of Daman..
            Was really beautifully done..
            But towards the ending..I kinda felt..okay..
            But the sheer ending made me forget the two.. I.e Hera and Daman..
            And made remember Demerick and took me back to every chapter of Gemma and Rick.. somehow
            So yeah..I hope u bring that back..
            Till then
            Love Love..


@ShalakaKeer5 Your message made me so happy as it makes my heart feel full knowing that someone enjoyed my work and thought so intently about it! I see you've finished reading Daman's Quest :-) Hope you enjoyed! Haha I'm 19 currently... 


            Thank u so much for ur beautifully elaborate revert..
            Truly means a lot..
            So getting to the point..
            I really love every content of urs..
            It's kinda cool yet touching the reality of the same time..
            Picking some points from ur novel..(all are my fav8,but to give u as a example ,here are some)
            Like in Mr.Harsh and her.
            Suffer and Beg for relief..was a epic moment of touching the depths of life..
            Even such a things.. 
            Rachel was so full of love.. and literally changed Alexander..
            I mean both gave themselves in the end..
            And to further moving to Mr.Hotshot and her.
            Tho u say it had few plot holes and stuff..and I kinda agree with it .
            But the fact it..the core of the content was beautifully and tactfully scripted that got us hooked..
            Gemma..and Rick..where adorable in there own way.. 
            The ardentness of there being for each other since the start no matter how all started..I still kinda connected to it..
            And hence the urge to read it again..and seen coz..when at point in time Rick says Gemma a pushover and then the later..mess.. u handled it really well..
            And I so love the affection men in ur stories have towards there significant half
            Its so delightfully feel heart in the chaos around..
            It like we are in the tunnel.. which is dark..all one can see is light at the end ..but the fact is..
            It is we who are the light in the tunnel.. coz of the goodness in ur ignites as well as figuratively illuminating.. 
            So yeah.. 
            Thank you for ur content..and everything good..with other touching the reality of life..
            God Bless u Sweetie..
            One question how old are u now??