
I'm gonna start a book where I'll be posting my fanart (all drawn by hand) I could take requests, but don't expect them to come quickly, it may take a while, sorry ^^' Anyway, I'll be posting some of my old stuff (The first few will be kinda bad, I was lazy back then), thank you~ (The book'll be called My Anime Art, I know, it's so original, I'm so talented *Bieber hair flip* )


Do you have a account?


@1leone1 What is it then? Mine's Leone Brion.
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I do, but I don't use it much
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Hey just wanted to tell u I was on and there was a story called shattered fate and had the same description as ur Shattered Fate book. I didn't know if it was ur account  on the website and u posted it on there but just in case wanted to inform u


No problem just wanted to make sure :3
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@imaweirdperson4 Yeah, that's mine ^.^ I haven't been using fan at all, so I thought might as well post the story since it's new. Thanks for telling me though!
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Thank you for the follow and chapter 2 will be uploaded sometime this week.


            Sorry about the wait for the next chapter. I should have it up some time this week.
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I'm gonna start a book where I'll be posting my fanart (all drawn by hand) I could take requests, but don't expect them to come quickly, it may take a while, sorry ^^' Anyway, I'll be posting some of my old stuff (The first few will be kinda bad, I was lazy back then), thank you~ (The book'll be called My Anime Art, I know, it's so original, I'm so talented *Bieber hair flip* )