
Happy Easter everybody! I hope you’re all having a good holiday so far! Be sure to take time and have fun with your family! 


Hey guys! Sorry for being gone for a while again. Schools been keeping me busy with projects and tests. And unfortunately I got a terrible ear infection that’s been giving me a real bad time. My grandmother hasn’t gotten better unfortunately either. She’s still getting treatment and she isn’t hospitalized but she’s still not at her best. It might still be a bit while unfortunately till the next chapter. But thankfully I’ll be taking the summer off! I’ll be on a vacation overseas with my dad in May so no updates then but once I’m home I should finally have some actual time to write. Thanks for all your patience! 


@Darkdragon647 Yea just glad that your still active on here your health and life comes first


@Darkdragon647 I'm glad you are alright, and I'm sorry for your Grandmother, I hope she is alright.


Hey all! Still working on the next chapter and I’m certain some of you know already but unfortunately Roosterteeth has closed down which means if there will be a continuation of RWBY it won’t be with them. But if there is the be we can do is hope it’s by a company that has a good vision for the show. Happy daylight savings time!


@Darkdragon647 Haven't yet, they say 60 days or 59/58 days left before it happened. I'm going to miss them and the good old days.


Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Looking forward to sharing the next chapter with you all soon.


Thanks mate. Yeah I heard about that too. We’ll just have to wait and see.


@Darkdragon647 cool hey I'm not sure if this is true or not but apparently they gave the green light for rwby volume 10 again not sure if this is legit or not just wanted to let you know 


Happy thanksgiving everyone! Hope everyone’s having a wonderful day with their families this holiday! Battlescars will be back soon I’m looking forward to continuing the story.


@ Darkdragon647  Man I thought you eliminated your account like @TheKingDH. Oh thank God you are still here


Hello all just wanted to wish everybody a happy Halloween and wish Ruby Rose a happy birthday!


@Darkdragon647 happy Halloween and happy birthday ruby! 


@Darkdragon647 Happy Halloween and Happy Birthday to Ruby Rose!!


Hey guys. Just needed to let this out here. Sadly it looks like I won't be able to have the next chapter out until sometime around Christmas at the soonest. I know it's been a while and I thank all of you for being patient all this time but I just haven't had any time in these past months. On top of that there's been a lot of drama lately because my grandmother has been hospitalized at least three times in these past months. One was for cancer, another when she was sick, and now she's in the hospital again because she fell and broke some ribs and they found that she has remaining cancer even from the last surgery. Things have just been a total mess lately. Another thing that I feel you all should know by now is that writing is unfortunately a very difficult thing for me as well because I suffer from Aspergers. For me, it's like a lesser version of ADHD. It makes it difficult for me to maintain focus when writing so I have to spend a lot longer when doing it too. Thank you all for the support you've given my writing! I'm sorry for the wait. I'll do my best to be back at it soon.


@Darkdragon647 By all means take as much time as you need. We can all wait


@Darkdragon647 no worries just focus on yourself and we can wait for long for the next  chapter 


That’s fine man, we’ll be here when you get back