Seven Chapters are up for viewing.... The first six few were initially a preview story before the actual events took place to understand exactly how Koreefth came across the noble family. In chapter 7 It's several years in the future now and things are just about to heat up. 
          	I just published "{Chapter 7. Back To Precent Times}" of my story "Tides Of Respected Love".


Seven Chapters are up for viewing.... The first six few were initially a preview story before the actual events took place to understand exactly how Koreefth came across the noble family. In chapter 7 It's several years in the future now and things are just about to heat up. 
          I just published "{Chapter 7. Back To Precent Times}" of my story "Tides Of Respected Love".


Alright well I've decided. Nothing working on wattpad for me and my stories. I guess this is just not the site for us. Four years of dedication on here and it all just went down the drain. Good luck to those who are successors because I've come to realize l, I'm never gonna be one of them no matter how much I try. 


@DeSiReDrEaMwRiTeR Don't give up. We may never make it as big as the others, but the goal is always to convey our thoughts and emotions through writing because no one could write the stories in your mind but you. <3
            You may also try looking for other platforms, promote your works, and continue learning. Good luck with your writing journey! <3


Come check out the latest. if you could please Please like, share and comment if you are enjoying the story. Some feedback would be amazing because I feel like no matter what I do, I'm going downhill instead of up... 
          I just published "{Chapter 5. Establishing Boundaries, part 2}" of my story "Tides Of Respected Love".


Few! Once again my new fantasy-romance story 'Tides Of Respected Love' is up for viewing. Momentarily I had to take it down to fix a few errors that nerved me. If you find this book to your interests then please feel free to click the link below, check out 'Tides Of Respected Love' summary and find out if this book is for you.  If so, hope to see you join this whirlwind romance between a Royal mermaid princess and an all powerful human king, that was never meant to be, but made to happen.
          I just published "{Chapter 1. First Contact}" of my story "Tides Of Respected Love".