
Ramadan Mubarak to all my beautiful sisters & brothers ✨ 
          	i hope that all your prayers are fulfilled this month and you achieve all the goals you set for yourself, whatever they may be. 
          	i'm taking a break for a while, but i promise i'll be back. 
          	until then, take as always my loves, 
          	ilysm ❤️


❝ to be human is to be filled with emotions. let yourself free. allow yourself this necessity. instead of pushing the anger away or cowering from the envy, accept it as a part of your being. instead of telling yourself this is not who you are, give room to the negative emotions and let them pass by in a tide. we're a mix of good and bad both and sometimes, it takes experience to know. there's balance in everything. day and night. sun and rain. sky and ground. highs and lows. rise and fall. submit yourself to nature's dispense and watch yourself grow. ❞


Ramadan Mubarak to all my beautiful sisters & brothers ✨ 
          i hope that all your prayers are fulfilled this month and you achieve all the goals you set for yourself, whatever they may be. 
          i'm taking a break for a while, but i promise i'll be back. 
          until then, take as always my loves, 
          ilysm ❤️


hello my loves, i hope you're well ❤️ 
          you may have seen i've taken down 'ttlb' — the main reason was a lack of engagement, but there's another that i'd like to address. 
          i'm Muslim & proud of it; it's not something i've explicitly stated on wp bc i've never felt the need to but it's relevant to what i'm about to say. 
          Ramadan is nearing & with it being such a holy month for us, i've really been reevaluating my life & especially my sins. i realised i'm doing some things that aren't right by my religion & i want to change that. i'm still young & i want to repent & rectify my mistakes while i still can, bc who knows which breath will be our last. 
          anyone who has read 'lust' will know it's mature; at the time i wrote it, i thought that was the best way to get reads, which was all i was focused on. 
          i've now reached a stage where i'm no longer comfortable writing 'smut' scenes or even writing the book at all bc of what it's based on. i had the whole plot of 'lust' ready, but i can't bring myself to write it. 
          i also read recently that every time someone sins bc of something you've done you receive sins on their behalf & that's something i don't want.
          * so i will be unpublishing all chapters of 'lust' & 'heaven or hell' *
          i want to be a better Muslim & generally a better person & i think this is a healthy first step to take.
          i know a lot of you will be disappointed with this. i get that. 
          and i'm so sorry. 
          i'm giving you until Saturday in case you want to finish reading them, but i will be taking them down indefinitely. 
          it's weird to say goodbye to them but i know that going to Hell would be a lot worse.
          i don't want to look back & wish i'd done things differently & maybe this is a sign to any of you who practise any religion to take a look at your actions too. 
          is it worth it? 
          i know this is a lot, but i hope you understand that i have to do this for myself. 
          i'll always love you, especially those who made this journey unforgettable, 
          take care, 
          ilysm ❤️


[ @_chanceuxx_ ] aw that's so sweet to hear, i honestly feel the same & i'll always cherish your love & friendship ❤️


@DefinitelyNot_ you're ALWAYS welcome! i am, you've no idea how happy my heart gets everytime i know i've made such a genuine friend on this app ❤️


a small token of kindness [ 20th february 2023  ] 
          blistering hope and disrupted forces, stomach of dirt and howling cresses; scraping blossoms and sunken springs. hollowed harvests, assaulted reaps; jeopardised desires and slivering skies. 
          mismatched woods and stolen petals; metaphorical gentleness and articulated coherence. dripping hearts, compendium ashes; ornate gale, weathered pages. 
          vintage eyes and handwritten libraries, fictional moon and escaped fantasies. inspiring nostalgia, doubtful guqin; poisonous inquiry, burial of heaven. vulnerability guarded, vindictive portraits; a monster of human needs, a devil of emotions. 
          brush-wood sprains and sinister autumns; stubborn walls and bittersweet burns. fluid memories, flamed nerves; familiar souvenirs,  a winter fued. a sadness of sharpness, bitter home in throat; caress the storms just as sadness has caressed tired norms. 


happy valentines day in case no one else wished you today ❤️ whether you're spending it with a partner or not, i hope you feel the love ❤️ 
          and i hope all your lives are filled with love today, tomorrow & every day after that :) 
          take care my loves, you all deserve the world ❤️


no way does 'lust' have 200k reads. no way, that's insane! 
          thank you so much for all your support, my loves ❤️ 
          i say it all the time but i mean it — i appreciate the reads, votes & comments more than you know. 
          a lot of people don't realise how much work goes into writing and i'm a massive perfectionist, especially with 'lust', but it more than makes up for the time spent when i realise how much some people enjoy it. 
          thank you once again, i'll see you soon, 
          take care, ilysm ❤️


[ @Rome_lockwood ] thank you so much, that means a lot & i'm so glad you're enjoying it ❤️


@DefinitelyNot_ You deserve all of it and more. your perfectionism absolutely shows into the book itself. I really adore the way you write. Keep going! <3


hello my loves, i hope you're all doing really well, 
          i don't do this often at all, but i have a question for all of you beautiful people: 
          ↬  ❛ do you think it's possible to ever truly let go of someone that you once cared deeply for / fell in love with? ❜ 
          what do you think it would take for you to let go of them — 
          loss of respect or trust? them hurting you badly? time, to help erase or fade the memories? or something else entirely?
          and a further question leading on from that: 
          ↬  ❛ do you think physical distance is essential to let go of said person? ❜ 
          i am facing the internal struggle of letting go of someone currently so this is relevant to me personally, but i'm also interested for research purposes [ie for my books]. 
          if you're a real one & have been around long enough, you'll know who i'm talking about, but regardless i'd love to know your thoughts and/or experiences. 
          please share some advice with your friend who is very much in need of it at this time :') 
          as always, take care, 
          ilysm ❤️❤️


[ @ruchi224 ] thank you so much for this ❤️ i agree, i think if you believe it's impossible it won't ever happen but it's definitely hard. thank you for your advice, i appreciate it & will try to keep my mind on more positive things. it's so nice to know that there are people on here who care about me & i hope you know i care about you too ❤️


@DefinitelyNot_  I would say it's difficult but not impossible....try to be more occupied, don't let yourself alone, spent your time with family members and friends, try to read positive books, watch comedy show, do meditation, spent with positive people, try to thnk positive,...nd Definitely take your time and control your imotions...nd yrr I care for don't worry.... all is well


(づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤~


            when i write i feel negativity and thats annoying because feedback and some argument here on wattpad
            decided to stop writing
            but slowly i will come back with stories, just not YET here :)


[ @VanjaCodee9 ] aw, i hope things get better soon ❤️ take care


@DefinitelyNot_  fine in not so well
            It's okay


a small token of kindness [ 28th january 2023 ] 
          heart that loves waters of wrinkles, a grave that loves a man of death and bones;  years of cold and hours of a backyard mirrors. floods of decades, hormones of violence; peace of unfamiliarity, an autumn of heart ache. 
          a jam of blue as a fight of love, a poet centuries old lurking in the present; lemons and neighbours, peaches and lungs. sins sacred before mercy, broken palms and roads of birth; sunset embroidered with veins, years fossilised with ricochet pain. 
          frosted letters, casual accents; love of bruised knuckles, a sip of sacred venoms. fingers of declaration, windshield dust; a lump of liability, a suffocated drink of laughter. an island where a soul sinks, oceans where the bodies bath; a thread of silk that cuts like glass. 
          evaporated pressure, fiery torrents; soul frozen and waltz of wakefulness. meadow of dawn, a canopy of a pleaide; frothing yearns and rippling reasons. death so close, yet addressed as cold; not every flower can be sweet, not every good heart can have enough honey. 


[ @adropofhumanity ] thank you aqsa, i hope you're having a lovely day ❤️