
sorry its taking so long to update im currently working on a novel im writing to get it published. thats why its taking so long to update my other books. what book would you like me to update. the 2 with the most requests will be updated.


sorry its taking so long to update im currently working on a novel im writing to get it published. thats why its taking so long to update my other books. what book would you like me to update. the 2 with the most requests will be updated.


I finally got a new computer so i have started writing the next chapter of the other Matthews i will have a writing schedule until i finish act one i will be updating the other Matthews, Bionic Lover, Rafeal Solono's brother. After i finish act on i will have a vote for the next three stories some will be from my drafts. Thank you for being patient with me. the new chapers with be published every sunday.


Hi I'm Emma I read your book the forgotten mikealson's and in one of them it say you update every Tuesday and Thursday I was wondering if you still write the book and when the next update will be. I also have the edited version of it.


@EmmaGMaybank the one that says tuesday and thursday is the old one the other one is the rewrite. I've just started working and i haven't been able to write but when i have time i will write the next chapter thank you for reading my book 


The reason im not posting is because i just moved to a diffrent state this summer and were trying to get my sister and i back in school. I also start working soon but dont worry once everything is settled i will update my stories