
Hey guys, so, I'm back~! For good this time. I will be constantly updating ITM and my poetry now, so be prepared. I'm not sure how many of you actually still know I exist or even care that I exist, but here I am, for good. Sorry for the disappearance for a while, I wasn't feeling like a writer for a while and I only want to put out my best content, so I didn't think it was fair to write really bad and expect you guys to read it, so I took a break. If any of you are actually reading this and still enjoy my works, then thank you for sticking by me in this low moment of my life. I went through a lot of stuff recently but I'm in a good place right now so here I am, ready to write. So without further adieu, I present to you the return of me. 
          	Yours Truly, DominicMichelangelo~


Hey guys, so, I'm back~! For good this time. I will be constantly updating ITM and my poetry now, so be prepared. I'm not sure how many of you actually still know I exist or even care that I exist, but here I am, for good. Sorry for the disappearance for a while, I wasn't feeling like a writer for a while and I only want to put out my best content, so I didn't think it was fair to write really bad and expect you guys to read it, so I took a break. If any of you are actually reading this and still enjoy my works, then thank you for sticking by me in this low moment of my life. I went through a lot of stuff recently but I'm in a good place right now so here I am, ready to write. So without further adieu, I present to you the return of me. 
          Yours Truly, DominicMichelangelo~


I won't be posting anything for a while guys, I've been trying to but for some reason my Wattpad won't let me edit any of my stories so I can't :c If anyone knows anything about why it won't let me edit my stories please contact me~! Thanks guys, lots of love~