
Hello, everyone!
          	Nanowrimo is over and yet, I am still writing The Stupid Cannon Fodder is Stunning Today. I'm already over 50k, but the story will still be told to the end. I do not expect it to be as long as TRVYMGTH. 
          	To those reading TRVYMGTH, don't you worry. I am working on the new chapter and polishing it up before sending it to my editor. I will be updating very soon, so please look forward to the next chapter! ^-^


Thank youuu


@ Drifting-Clowd  Omg both stories are GREAT take y9ur time on writing the chapters for TRVYMGHTH im sure that now that you have 2 stories it must be hard :v .  
          	  GOOD LUCKK ☆☆☆


@Drifting-Clowd good luck and great work! :)


Heyyy Author, I just wanna wish you a happy new year, sorry Im late :x... I also wanted to thank you for TRVYMGTH. It has been my favorite book on Wattpad and such an amazing ride. I love the characters and your writing is so great!! I love the details of scenes and how the emotions feel so real. Eagerly waiting for the next chapter :]
          Side note tho- please dont overwork yourself and take care of your health dude