
Something different about our heroes.


@ QueenEsmy97  when will you post the second chapter for i loved it?


Can you make a reader insert story based from Quest for Camelot and belle's adventures of sword in the stone (fanpop it is if you don't know check it out) where the reader is the daughter of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere and she's trying to find a way of how to change them back to good king and queen because they were turned evil by a wicked witch. Sir Ruber who's turned good by the reader tells her that first they should say a prayer to lord Jesus and they do that and then to bring the cauldron Merlin had told them to borrow when they need it. The reader is an eight years old girl and she obeys and brings the cauldron but she is told by Sir Ruber that she must be sacrisfied in order from the king and queen to turn good. At first she refused knowing that her father and mother will react to this but alas for their own good and with a heavy heart she agrees. She's slowly burning alive since someone lit the cauldron and she can hear her father King Arthur and her mother Queen Guinevere had turned good moment before and were screaming in terror and agony from her to stop and to think of how much she means to them but she couldn't see them because of the fire blinding her vision until she felt her father's strong arms wrapping around her and she knew he saved her and he layed her carefully on the ground. King Arthur and Queen Guinevere were hopeful that their daughter could hear them but as hours passed they were worried of her wellbeing and soon they figured out she was dead.  Now the king and the queen were devestated and sorrowful that God took away of them their precious darling daughter.


@AlicePendragon3 And with her final breath given y/n closes her eyes and dies at her father's arms. King Arthur bereaved at his daughter's death he started crying begging her to wake up he even pleaded her that the healer will help her but she was gone. A day passed and King Arthur was grieving for his daughter's death he refused to sleep or eat he was brokenhearted his baby girl died for him and he said:Why did this had to happen to my little girl?. (Quest for camelot reader insert).


@AlicePendragon3 well another request it's when y/n is only the king's daughter and true heir of the throne. The king's wife went with one of his knights. The king was cursed by an evil witch to become evil. His daughter was sad to see him doing bad things to people and she asked sir Ruber: I really miss when daddy hugged me when we will turn him back into a good man?.  Merlin said grim:It isn't easy little one your father can be changed into the king he was if someone so dear to him dies on a pyre or killed. Sir Ruber looked at Y/n and said:What are you thinking y/n?. Y/n said:I'll do it for him and the kingdom it's the only way. Sir Ruber said:Y/n i can't let you do that Your father would never forgive himself if he saw you dead. Y/n said:It's the only way and i will do it. The next day the king was brought in the middle of the stone he had pulled excalibur dressed in a black gown. He saw Sir Ruber and Merlin and a little girl he knew she was into a pyre wearing a small crown and she said:I'm the daughter of King Arthur and on the day my father was cursed by a witch it's my duty to choose either my life or the kingdom and i choose my kingdom. The king's eyes (from dark turned into the light blue) widened at her words and he saw sir Ruber throwing a torch with fire at his little girl. The flames got in her hair and hands and she screamed in anguish pain. Horrified at his daughter's scream King Arthur without hesitation run over to the pyre trying to reach her screaming:Y/n my little daughter noooooooo. Y/n collapsed on the floor from exchaustion and she suddenly saw she was into her father's arms and he was weeping saying:Hang on my dear little girl i'll fetch the doctor and you're going to be healed and alive stay strong sweetie. Y/n reached her father's beard leaving a bloody handprint on it and said:I'm sorry daddy you had to see me doing this i'm really sorry i love you. 


@ AlicePendragon3  when will you post the third chapter?