
Heya! I created an Instagram account where I'm gonna be posting extra content, sneak peeks on up coming books, ect. If you're interested in following me there or private messaging me, my username is @eee0342


@EEe0342 I'll follow you when I get home!


Heya! I created an Instagram account where I'm gonna be posting extra content, sneak peeks on up coming books, ect. If you're interested in following me there or private messaging me, my username is @eee0342


@EEe0342 I'll follow you when I get home!


          Attention writers and music lovers!
          Do you want the perfect playlist for your story? Or do you want a playlist with your favorite genres and artists to play at full volume whenever you're in the mood for it? If you don't know how to make playlists or don't have the time, the Rose Gold Community's new playlist shop, "Snow Flower," is right for you!
          In this shop, you can request for our playlist makers to take your favorite artists, genres, and songs, and put them together into a playlist just for you. And if you're an author, the playlist makers can make playlists that will fit the mood of your story and get readers excited for it.
          So if you're interested, go ahead and check out the Snow Flower Playlist Shop!


@butterfly-fields I'll check it out ☺️


Heya! Happy may the 4th! To all of my Star Wars fans: "May the force be with you."


@EEe0342 XD I forgot about this. So, funnily enough, this greeting blends with the Catholic blessing in my head ("Peace be with you," "And also with you"), so I end up thinking, "May the fourth be with you." "And also with you."


          I know it's been a while since I last posted a chapter of The Beginning of the End ( it's almost one month to be exact.) As I have mentioned before, I am very behind schedule. Originally, I was hoping to finish The Beginning of the End around the end of May, but I see that's not going to happen. I've been in a weird mindset lately. So, right now my focus is to get my mind back on track and to get another chapter out for you guys. I've been working on a few things behind the scenes too that I'm excited to announce in the near future. A huge thank you to my loyal readers and friends. 
          So, I guess all of that to say: we all have lives outside of Wattpad. 
          P.S. yes, general fiction and the fantasy category are still being judged. So sorry for the wait!


@SSears90 Hi! I'm sorry but I don't think I ever got all of them.


@EEe0342 Hey, I sent you the general fiction results quite a while ago now. Are you going to post them soon?


@EEe0342  no worries dude take a break n enjoy your free time with your fresh mind you can write or revamp what ever it is even better enjoy your break 