
New book is up! Passing Papers is a Renga story where i take the lyrics of egg's song passing papers and make a story slightly based around the lyrics! Anyways check it out if you want, the prolouge is up! :)


GUESS WHO GOT HIMSELF A BOYFRIENDDDD (ignore the fact that he confessed to my friends first, and i had a panic attack in a tree- its fine. No one died. We did find cranberry juice that we called wine tho)


Btw @im_a_car and @Kidcore_prinxe were the friends (i really doubt the tags are gonna work)
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Just cleaned and rearranged my whole room (plus got rid of every one of my dresses) trying to find my bl (Doukyuusei), just for my sister to tell me it was in her room. I spent 5 hours on this, and never thought to ask my sister. Im dumb.


All I felt was pain reading the last bit 
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Sometimes.. i feel like god. Now. That is the sometimes. Have a good day my little creations :)


@Eevee2107 ,,
            There is no need to thank me. I should be thanking you for this opportunity 
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@1-800-KENMA thank you, my child. I'm sure you are more than worthy to run the world
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@Eevee2107 ,,
            I would be honored , you didn't even need to ask. I'll do my best 
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          My sisters and i went to hot topic to get pride stuff, and when we came home none of us were out yet, so we hid the pride stuff, but showed my mom other things we got. After a while, my sister(the lesbian, we'll call her.... bleach? Idek) got a visor with a rainbow flag, and my mom said she was thinking about putting a flag up. So me and my other sister(the pan, and oldest, lets call her.. car? IM SORRY-) left, bleach came out, then posted on her snapchat story, and that gave me confidence, as ive been meaning to come out for a while. So i go and come out, and she asks what she would be, and i say demi i think, cuz she's straight, but doesnt want a relationship with a stranger. Anyways, i go and tell car, and she comes out too. Bleach gets kinda sarcastically mad that we "stole her day", but she's fine. We talked about all the sexualities and genders, trying to explain them as well as possible, but she didnt get it for a while. Anyways, now we think we might get a flag!


@Eevee2107 lucky 
            My family thought I was high when I told them I’m pan and I’m 13 why would I be high and my mom thinks school brainwashed me to be pan
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Story time! So i was searching up fanart of ben drowned(maybe ticci toby, idk), as you do, when i found a cute picture of him. So naturally i thought "aww! Thats cute!" Right after i regretted it so fast. My door slammed. Like fully slammed. Instinctively, i turned on my flashlight on my phone and aimed it at the door, but didnt want to look yet.To gain courage to actually look, i grabbed my knife(yes, i sleep with a knife by my bed. Shut up, it makes me feel safe) and sat up. After about 3 minutes sirens started going off, and a car drove right by our house, which never happens this late. About 10 minutes later i had to open my door because of cats, so i went and did so, putting a sweatshirt over the top so it wouldnt happen again. Instead, right when i got back on my bed, it opened abiut 5 inchss more. Moral of the story, dont say ticci toby or ben drowned are cute at midnight. I swear i almost had a heart atack. Also i have a hoodie that looks like a corpse hanging over my door now, so horray for sleep! Someone please send help, i'm legit fearing for my life, even though i shouldnt be.


Oh! Also it's 1:30 am and i heard a squirrel :D
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Lmao i have 0 memories of me being straight and cis. Ive removed it from whatever brain i have left


@Tendousangwoosimp yeah, no theyre fine, but thanks anyways tho!
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@Kidcore_prinxe *smaccs you * they’re not and idiot
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