
Lmaoooo Wattpad just sent me a message telling me to update my unfinished stories because it’s been so long and readers don’t like unfinished work. 
          	Listen, I totally understand. But I’ve been going through some stuff, Wattpad! Get off my back! Like I need any more pressure. Lmaoooo. 


Same here girl!!! 


Lmaoooo Wattpad just sent me a message telling me to update my unfinished stories because it’s been so long and readers don’t like unfinished work. 
          Listen, I totally understand. But I’ve been going through some stuff, Wattpad! Get off my back! Like I need any more pressure. Lmaoooo. 


Same here girl!!! 


QueenFamily #RnoomaQueen ♥️
          Let go of the people who dull your shine, poison your spirit, and bring you drama. Cancel your subscription to their issues.
          Because at some point you have to realize that some people can stay in your heart but not in your life.
          Sometimes it's better to end something and try to start something new than imprison yourself in hoping for the impossible.
          Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake and help us see we are worth so much more than we're settling for.
          You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life. 
          Be positive. Your mind is more powerful than you think. What is down in the well comes up in the bucket. Fill yourself with positive things.
          Sometimes you must go to war with yourself to fix yourself.
          There is only one success — to be able to spend your life in your own way. 
          “Stay true to yourself, yet always be open to learn. Work hard, and never give up on your dreams, even when nobody else believes they can come true but you.” 
          When you realize your own insecurity, and you embrace it, it’s such an incredible self-realization, and it’s such an incredible journey. 
          Happiness means
          Loving yourself & 
          being less concerned with 
          the approval of others.
          "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away."


I was able to transfer all my writing from the old flash drive to a new one!!! I lost a bit of material for my novella, Quiet Love, but it can be rewritten. Also, my outline for Quiet Love was lost in the fire, but I’ll figure it out again. But things are looking good! 


Update: I got my flash drive with all my writing on it back! It took very heavy soot damage in the fire, but it’s been cleaned and hopefully I can transfer all its contents to a new flash drive.  I’ll keep you all updated! 


Was just getting the drive to write again and now it’s gonna be put on hold. 
          We had a house fire yesterday. My husband, son, and myself weren’t home so we’re safe. Our four cats are okay, but we lost our dog. The kitchen is badly damaged and the whole interior has smoke and soot damage. We have to replace all our food and clothes. It’ll be a while before we can stay in our home again (thank god it’s insured, but damn) but we’re so fortunate to have so many family members and friends to lean on for help and support. 
          Stay safe. Hug your family and pets. Let them know you love them. 


@soplou thank you ❤️


@flowers_onthemoon thank you thank you thank you. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 


I'm so sorry for the loss of your dog, but I'm so glad you and your family are safe! I hope things will get easier for you now and I wish y'all only the best❤️❤️


I just had a terrible idea for The Risks. 
          What if…. Parker’s older brother Nick… was part of Jim’s group? 
          Here’s how it would go. Parker thinks Nick is dead or gone. Nick thinks the same about Parker. Nick doesn’t realize that his own people are the ones to kill their mom. (It’s a big group, he might have overheard some guys talking about it but how would he know who specifically they killed?) Then, when Nick’s people are starting to get murdered, he doesn’t know it’s Parker. He doesn’t know until it all comes to a head and his people follow Parker and Claire to the house where they grew up. And by then, Parker is gone, and Nick can’t reach out. But when Claire comes back after leaving Parker and she’s captured… what if Nick helps her escape? He knows now that she knows Parker and he wants to help. But here’s the thing, he’s ashamed. He’s ashamed that he’s part of this group, so he tells Claire not to ever tell Parker that she saw him here. 
          Here’s why I’m not going to actually have this be canon. Claire wouldn’t be able to keep that secret from Parker forever, especially when they become more involved. And Parker would never rest until he found Nick. And that throws a wrench in the story. So it’s not going to actually happen. BUT WHAT IF! 
          It’s going to stay where we don’t know what happens to Nick. It’s unresolved and Parker thinks he’s dead or gone. 
          But here’s the truth from me. Here’s what actually happens that the characters don’t know. Nick is dead. In prison, inmates turned, and when the electricity went out and the cells unlocked, Nick wasn’t prepared. He was Feral food. Poor Nick. :( 
          Anyway, just some thoughts! Lol 


Forever struggling with the Parker chapter (where he’s in the safe zone). Mostly because… when I do the story through his pov (worth the reward)… I can’t do this chapter through his pov again, that would be redundant. Then who’s pov? 
          Not Claire’s because what would be the point of that? Not George’s, that would give too much away. Not deacon’s, same reason. Rebecca’s? But does anyone really want to read a chapter from one of the antagonists’ pov?
          And isn’t it strange to have a whole novel through one person’s pov and then a single chapter of someone else’s? 
          Or maybe I should just cut the Parker chapter from The Risks and just use it for Worth the Reward… 
          Uhg. Writing is hard. 
          I’m mostly just rambling here, but I’d love your thoughts! 


@EmJayRey yw I can't wait to read


@Vixenwritess yes, it makes sense! And just leave his pov of the safe zone for when I do his pov of the whole story!! That’ll make the whole Rebecca thing more interesting (for anyone who didn’t read the original version). They’ll be just as confused as Claire! Lol
            Thanks for the feedback! ❤️


@EmJayRey I'd say Do it in Claire's POV and what's going on while he's not with her and what's Happening to her. If that makes any sense.


There’s been a huge influx of people adding The Risks to their libraries. I’m happy about it, but like… WHAT’S GOING ON lol


@DebraMcVae oh okay. Well that’s cool! :p


@EmJayRey most likely recommended reads