
Finnally retiring from wattpad. I’ve been writing for nearly 4 years now and it’s been a good run. Thank you to everyone who had read and supported over the years! It means so much.
          	I hope my books have brought people as much happiness as it did me writing them.
          	Thank you for reading!!


@Evemildred Loved your books 
          	  Hope you come back some day to continue the discontinued books : )


@Evemildred loved your books this was everything to me, but you deserve a long break.. should you ever come online again, please just come and say hello!


@Evemildred  NO - this will be a hard loss and I will need time to recover and process


OMG i started reading your newest book and it was so amazing i had to go check your profile only to find out i've read all your other books probably over a year ago omg lots of love, your writing is beautiful and genuinely makes me happy. keep it up!!!


I remember reading your hp story about Remus' daughter back when I was hp obsessed. It was the best era of my life. It makes me emotional that more and more people grow out of it like me. It feels like growing up :( However, once an hp fan, always an hp fan. Wish you the best <3


BRO NO WAY UR RETIRING *heartbreak emoji* but like can u please just say anala lives happily ever after with cedric bc he didn’t die!


( @evemildred ) I NEED U THO but i get it :( just know we will always wait for even if u won’t come back…i love u and ur books forever 


i had such a good plot for that book ☹️