
Question: If I were to post my books as a completed PDF version on Etsy, would you buy it? If so, what is the preferred amount?
          	I would like to start selling it, while also allowing my followers the financial ability to purchase it! Seeing as it is NOT a physical copy, I do not intend to sell it as more than $20.00.


@EvilDevil312000  Honestly. Sell it as much as you want to. I mean as a writer myself (this is a burner account obvi, my family would kill me if they knew i liked BL stories) I know how much work goes into creating a story and just finishing it. Either way I would definitely buy it ‍↕️


@littlebitofsarcasm It's a difficult choice. In order to do collections, I would need to wait until all of the books in the series are updated, edited, etc. I am currently updating and making changes to TPS. I can't say I know where to begin looking for how much other's charge. I am intending to sell mine through my website rather than Amazon or other means, at least for the time being.


It’s a tough call. You’ve put a lot of work into your stories. Have you looked at what other writers charge for pdf’s? Or maybe sell them in pairs or as a collection? 


Question: If I were to post my books as a completed PDF version on Etsy, would you buy it? If so, what is the preferred amount?
          I would like to start selling it, while also allowing my followers the financial ability to purchase it! Seeing as it is NOT a physical copy, I do not intend to sell it as more than $20.00.


@EvilDevil312000  Honestly. Sell it as much as you want to. I mean as a writer myself (this is a burner account obvi, my family would kill me if they knew i liked BL stories) I know how much work goes into creating a story and just finishing it. Either way I would definitely buy it ‍↕️


@littlebitofsarcasm It's a difficult choice. In order to do collections, I would need to wait until all of the books in the series are updated, edited, etc. I am currently updating and making changes to TPS. I can't say I know where to begin looking for how much other's charge. I am intending to sell mine through my website rather than Amazon or other means, at least for the time being.


It’s a tough call. You’ve put a lot of work into your stories. Have you looked at what other writers charge for pdf’s? Or maybe sell them in pairs or as a collection? 


Share your thoughts.
          I have recently gotten the idea of creating personal letters/stories to sell on Patreon (with a one time payment for the item). I am not sure if this would even be a good thing to start investing things in, however...anyways, share your thoughts on the idea!


As we know, I have been struggling with paranoia posting my stories on Amazon for self-publishing. I am considering revising my Enemies: Short Story to publish it for starters...


I would be careful with this, as selling fanfiction may be considered a copyright infringement. If I understood correctly the short story is based on two characters from the untamed, right?
            Otherwise I wouldn’t see a problem : )


Wattys are opening again in July...
          I am thinking I will submit Submission of Two under 'ongoing' and Submitting to the Dom under 'completed'. Thoughts?


@ EvilDevil312000  Definitely!! They are both so greatttttt❤️ 


Does anyone else get extremely nervous when looking into publishing books?
          I am so terrified I am going to do it wrong or that my books won't succeed. I would need to take them off Wattpad and then, what if they don't get a following? I feel like I would lose everything in that case.
          How do I decide if I want to go through Amazon or traditional publishing?
          How do I make sure my book doesn't fail?
          I don't know what I would do if I just lost...everything. It is such a terrifying decision. I want to take the next step, but I don't know how.


@EvilDevil312000 I can't imagine how you must be feeling. May I put you in touch with someone who has been in your position? She is wonderful human being. 


@EvilDevil312000 Do whatever feels best, everything has pros and cons . Taking the next step might be terrifying, but you dont know what the future holds. And Im sure all your fans will support you. 


Sebastian's story has a new cover and title! It is now Submission for Two.
          Also debating changing Cade and Victor's story to match the Submission (submitting ) style of the other books. I am welcoming story title ideas for them!


Healing the Submissive? They both healed each other. 




The cover looks fantastic.❤️


Does anyone recall if I specified if either Leo or Shawn smoke?
          I can't remember and it will take forever to go back through their story for the small detail :'C


@EvilDevil312000 Im gonna assum shawn, Leo seems like the kind of dude who would never do that kind of stuff and then your have the brat himself XD


I don’t remember Shawn smoking once he started living with Leo. 


Take a vote!
          With Submission of Luke completed, go to Instagram and take a vote in which story you would like to read next on Wattpad.


@EvilDevil312000 I m waiting for Baby Boy...love Asa n Ev..


@JessicaSoosai8 I am glad you are enjoying them! I certainly love reading them.


@EvilDevil312000 Thank you so much for your consideration. Really love that book. I have read most of your books already..i am from South East Asia