
I hope this isn't weird, sorry if it is 
          I really love how you make the story of your fanfictions change upon adding a new character (Blazing Crystal and Tale of Amara). I was wondering if you had any advice on how you change the story enough to not be the same as the original while also making it feel like the same time/world/characters, if that makes sense


@DuskOfDay what I do is try to put myself as the character in the world. Rather than being on the side watching everything play out, I imagine that I’m really there as my character and I’m seeing the world myself. A lot of what I do is read avatar wiki to learn more about the culture and cities. I try to bring out details and give my characters side adventures to add more to the story. The hardest thing is changing the story line, but if you do it in a gradual way where it’s not confusing and sudden then your readers believe the character development more. I’m my tale of Amara, I couldn’t have Zuko immediately join the group without giving him conflicting thoughts and a reason to want to betray the other side. The same with my blazing Crystal story. Bottom line, don’t be afraid to change certain things but keep the story similar. I’ve manipulated conversations from the original show just to make sure my characters are involved. The one thing that makes a story by the script is when your character doesn’t have a voice, their own reactions, and their own skills to add to the group. Hope this helps.


If I remember correctly you graduated on the 16? I just wanted to say congratulations!! 


Faith Harris 8
            I would just like to say how I enjoy your writings. My mama on so loves you're stories blazing crystal and the tale of Amora.
            She has actually named an Americana Amora.  So basically we have Amora, the Americana.
            From freedom rains.


@Arwen_Night thanks! I finally got back into your story. Love iris and Harry’s relationship! Can’t wait to see how they’re start at hogwarts goes. I’m going to get back into my story at last. What I plan to do is read from the beginning to get connected with my character again. It’s been so long. But school is over and I can breathe again so I’m hoping my creative juices will flow once more! Thanks for your support! <3


Hope your doing ok and that school is going great for you.


Congratulations oh graduating soon!! I will be wishing for great weather and I can’t wait to see you write again. 


@Arwen_Night thanks. I’m so close to graduating and then I’ll be able to write again. Hopefully my Amara story will move again after august 16th, my official last day. right now I’m trying to remember to breathe. Lol


I just Wanted to give you a heads up so you don’t lose your story’s if you don’t have them back up, but it seems like WattPad is having with issues and accounts are being deleted. 


@Arwen_Night thanks. I have my stories on ao3 and fanfiction so i should be okay, but I’ll make sure to put them on something. I’m reading the tale of Amara to get back into her story again. Hoping to start writing in the next few days now that I have a break from school.