
To my special 45 followers, fear not for I have 7,000 words on the current chapter and since this chapter is more anime focused I should be able to finish it sooner than I have with the other chapters. I am also kind of making this 2 chapters long since I added something else that I think you guys will really like. Im not gonna make deadline promises since I clearly am the worst at keeping them. But I am "almost" done and exams are pretty much over. Thanks for your support and I hope you will continue read my story in the future. Also WE ARE CLOSE TO 12K READS AND ALMSOT 300 VOTES. THATS ACTUALLY CRAZY. I never ever would have thought this would happen. One day I just decided to start writing this story because I had this idea in my head and I dont have anything to lose in writing for fun so why not. Now seeing this many people waiting for my next publish is crazy. I am having soo much fun, thank you guys for making this hobby even better than I originally thought.


To my special 45 followers, fear not for I have 7,000 words on the current chapter and since this chapter is more anime focused I should be able to finish it sooner than I have with the other chapters. I am also kind of making this 2 chapters long since I added something else that I think you guys will really like. Im not gonna make deadline promises since I clearly am the worst at keeping them. But I am "almost" done and exams are pretty much over. Thanks for your support and I hope you will continue read my story in the future. Also WE ARE CLOSE TO 12K READS AND ALMSOT 300 VOTES. THATS ACTUALLY CRAZY. I never ever would have thought this would happen. One day I just decided to start writing this story because I had this idea in my head and I dont have anything to lose in writing for fun so why not. Now seeing this many people waiting for my next publish is crazy. I am having soo much fun, thank you guys for making this hobby even better than I originally thought.


Garwards I still have a question, is it impossible in final round in the sports festival can you make it a battle royal will be yn vs bakugo and shoto, because I want see yn unlocking his ultimate potential or maybe his first quirk and pls make momo yaoyorozu go to  the second round and follow yn advice 


@JamesDio8 I haven't done the numbers yet for the sports festival I need to rewatch it. However the idea of of bakugo and shoto going against Y/N doesn't seem like a characteristic of bakugo. He would be attacking both at the same time and I want to focus on Y/N 1v1ing everyone and destroying them. So I will think about it because it does sound cool. As for the ultimate potential Ive got something cooking that I think everyone will really like. I will give you a bit of info, next chapter will be training as the little preview said and the one after that will be the sports festival. So there will be time to consider how the Sports festival goes. Whether I follow the anime or add a twist since everyone has seen it already. Thank you for your input it is much appreciated. This story is also you the readers story so any input you have I will read and consider.


Hey bossman or boss lady, 
          It’s been a few months just wondering if or when your going to update your story.
          If your busy with personal problems I get it.
          Take care.


Its alright thanks for the update and keep up the good work. I understand if you need a break we all have our own problems too deal with. Thank you and take care. Author San 


@DemonAshuraZoro I will be posting a new chapter tomorrow during the day. I spent my thanksgiving doing a lot of unnecessary work and people just kept asking for my help. I was also doing homework because my professors hate living. Thank you for your patience and I am truly sorry for the super long update. I went back to the previous chapter and fixed spelling errors and some grammar stuff. Thank you once again for reading my story and I appreciate your support


Are you doing ok author San 

          Watch it, you'll thank me later when you see the real thing.


@Deerdemon83 Also alpha is a badass name for a sloth


@Deerdemon83 I am beyond confused. Yet very intrigued.