
If possible, could anybody share the contest book on their conversations page to promote it? I would appreciate it so much!


So, I have more entries than I did before. Unfortunately, it’s not nearly as many as last year, not even half. The deadline will most likely be moved to the end of August, which will not work in favor for my school schedule but if I get at least 50 entries by the end of July, it would be amazing! If you’re reading this, please just put in the title of a book you’ve written (5 chapters or more, fiction [can’t be poetry or a meme book, books of lists, etc]) and I will look through it and enter it for you! Please, I just really need entrants!


@Gayatriiiiiiii The Witch's Curse by me
            Endless War by hridiv
            Forbidden by me


Hey everyone! It would be amazing if any of you could do me a huge favor and copy the link of my contest book and share it on your conversations page even if you yourself aren’t interested in entering. I may just shut down the contest completely if I don’t get entries soon.


So the contest is very, very low on entries and I’m really worried. So if anyone wants to enter their writing/book (fiction, at least 5 chapters long), please, please, just reply to this message with any or all of your books (the titles) that meet these requirements because I really, really need entries. You won’t need to fill out an entry form, just leave the title below! By doing that, you are helping me so, so much!


@Gayatriiiiiiii  I entered my book yesterday. Thank you so much for helping me Gayatri ❤️


@originalpotatoess okay then I don’t think it’s eligible for entry sorry


Please enter the contest because I really don’t want to close it down.


@-sunsett i’m pretty sure you’re just being hard on yourself your writing probably isn’t trash


// i kinda want to tho 


// but my writing is so trash lol 


It’s been 2 days and no entries, this is not going well.