
this message may be offensive
Hello my readers!
          	First of all, I would like to take a moment to say... I HIT 600 FOLLOWERS!!! Thank you all for your encouragement and support for my work. It really means so much to me. I know I haven't been posting all that much since I've been dealing with some personal drama and taking care of some business. Thank you for your patience.
          	Secondly, I would like to thank @WolfBoyDx for pointing out that I hit the 600 milestone. To commemorate that achievement, I have updated Return of the White Dragon with a new chapter! I want to be able to complete the book by year's end, and we're so close to the half-way point TWO YEARS later.
          	God, that really makes you think where the fuck all that time went...
          	Anyways. Thank you all so much for reading, and I'll see you all in the next chapter! BYE BYE!!!


Question, in ROTWD are you going to add the rest of the blue eyes archetype and the Lord of Dragons and its variations with support cards for both of them? 


I talked to the author a while back and if I remember he mentioned adding monsters like blue-eyes alternative and the other blue-eyes fusions


@HenryRivero7 Are you referring to cards like megamorph or something similar?


this message may be offensive
Hello my readers!
          First of all, I would like to take a moment to say... I HIT 600 FOLLOWERS!!! Thank you all for your encouragement and support for my work. It really means so much to me. I know I haven't been posting all that much since I've been dealing with some personal drama and taking care of some business. Thank you for your patience.
          Secondly, I would like to thank @WolfBoyDx for pointing out that I hit the 600 milestone. To commemorate that achievement, I have updated Return of the White Dragon with a new chapter! I want to be able to complete the book by year's end, and we're so close to the half-way point TWO YEARS later.
          God, that really makes you think where the fuck all that time went...
          Anyways. Thank you all so much for reading, and I'll see you all in the next chapter! BYE BYE!!!


Hello my dear readers, 
          I've been so busy today, I didn't get the chance to do this earlier. So I will now before the day has ended. May the Fourth be with you all!
          Prepare for the Revenge of the Sixth. LOVE LIVE THE EMPIRE!!!


            y/n: hey 
            Yusei: huh? 
            Y/N: You're not hurt, right? scary?


@Gl1tch87 may the 4 be with you


@Gl1tch87 the 4 is strong with this one 


I just remembered something I forgot to add to my last post. If you do send me an invite, then let me know what your Discord name is so I know that it is you who sent it. Don't want to accidentally delete your requests, now do I?


@rmejiag1 there's no link, username is ynkaiba


@Gl1tch87 bro what Is the link of discord