
Go and check out my NEW SHORT STORY called 16! I really hope you all enjoy :) x


I am very sorry to say that I am un-publishing my book ‘The Boy Who Changed’ due to very hurtful accusations of plagiarism. This particularly offended me as I had put in so much effort to write my book and to create joy for my readers. The book I was accused of ‘stealing’ work from was a book I have never even read. When I searched it, I found it had 97M reads and a very similar plot to mine but this is PURELY A COINCIDENCE. I would never copy another writers work as I know how hard it is to come up with ideas in the first place and how much time and effort is put into creating a book. But due to the very similar plot- and to prevent more offensive accusations- I have removed my book from Wattpad and do not see my self re-publishing it in the future. I’m sorry to everyone who this disappoints. 
          Have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year <3 
          Gracie xox 


Hi Grace! ☺ I just wanted to say thanks for supporting for Every Second! I'm so grateful to you! ❤️❤️


@joymoment no way, I found you here after I read yet another amazing book? How lucky am I?


Of course! Congratulations, it was a fab book :) xx