
Hello everyone I just released a poem named Perspective from my book entitled Side Piece. Please give it a quick 51 second read and tell me what you think. Thank you in advance and have a great creative weekend!


@ HBrown2  Have a nice weekend Hess.


I don't mean to be attention-seeking or anything, but you actually seem like you know what you're talking about when it comes to poetry - would you mind reading some of mine? I love feedback of all kinds, and I try to improve off of other people's perspectives


@HBrown2 Thank you, and of course


@RhysDaPerson Thank you for the unexpected compliment and I will most certainly read some of your stuff!


YOU ARE THE ABSOLUTE MVP!!!  i’ve just woken up and seen all of your comments and my day is already made. you’re one of the first people who is ACTUALLY reading and not just leaving random comments to make it seem like they are. thanks for seeing my effort and letting me know you see it too. means the world, thank you thank you thank you!


@krishasroom Wow! Well thank you and I'm glad you are active and invested in your work and in writing. And I'm happy to return the favor cuz you made myvday the other day. Continue to be the best you and never stop pushing the boundaries of your imagination.


Would you like to read my book, "Through the words"? Or perhaps follow for follow?


@mihirimah_g  Hello I started reading your book and I'll give my opinions in a little bit. It doesn't have to be a follow for follow but know that your vibe is pretty awesome and that's what usually prompts my follows. That and writing talent lol. If you are inclined then I'm willing to earn your follow if my works affect you in some way. Now I'm gonna go enjoy your book and hope the rest of your day is awesome! 


Hello everyone I just released a poem named Perspective from my book entitled Side Piece. Please give it a quick 51 second read and tell me what you think. Thank you in advance and have a great creative weekend!


@ HBrown2  Have a nice weekend Hess.


Lately I've been going through the phase of not liking any of my writing whatsoever,  to the point where I haven't been able to write anything. Just wanted to say thanks for all the love you showed my poetry. It definitely means a lot and I truly appreciate it. 


@ShanitaG You're welcome Shanita, I have no corny words of encouragement to make you keep writing but I can say, you make a difference. 