
Officially on a short Wattpad break. So I’ll be logging off the app. 
          	(The only way I’ll actually take the break haha) 
          	I’ll be back in a few weeks! ❤️


Good morning everyone!  
          I’m feeling fairly good about updates both stories pretty fresh yet on updates.
          I have a short work week this week and some great books to read. 
          So…. This feels like a good time to go ahead and take a little break for myself. 
          I’m going to try and catch up any reads I have here today and then call myself on a full on Wattpad break, so i will be back either maybe one but probably two weeks to reply to comments, read stories, and hopefully an update for one of mine! 


@LNRoberts1 i figure if I sign out of the app for at least a week I’ll actually take a break


@Contino05 hi there! I’m not taking in any new reading requests right now I’m actually taking a little break for a few weeks, and then I just have too many projects to add more reads haha. 
            But keep at it! Roads are down for everyone these days but they’ll swing back around! 


Chapter 22 is live!! The big midwestern Halloween blizzard of 1991 has made it cold outside, but it  's staying pretty warm inside! ;-)  
          Never mind my announcement the other day about keeping it one book. I changed my mind and want to go back to the two-book idea, especially because I plan to add a second point of view to the second book.
          So... onward we go with this story, and a sequel will come down the road!


Working on FOTF and it’s nearly done but not edited. 
          Should hopefully be able to post it this weekend!
          I also decided not to have this be two books and instead, make it one long book but we’ll have a part one and part two. When part one ends I’ll be talking a break from it,  before I start part two. 
          But that means lots more chapters for you to read!!! ❤️ 


@HeidiCarroll I'm looking forward to reading it!


I just finished this heartwarming novella! When two strangers collide at midnight everything changes. But they both have asts to heal from, beautiful journey!! And it is  totally complete and binge-ready!


@HeidiCarroll Oh gosh thank you so much for the shout out! T.T I'm so pleased you enjoyed it! and thank you for reading!! <3 <3


Did a Rissa theme for fun hehe 
          Hope everyone has some fun filled weekend plans! 


@melissadyb haha thanks I changed it to a summer theme now


I love the new theme!❤️


Sorry friends - I have failed you. 
          I promise I am working on updates! I don’t know when they’ll be done. 
          I think I really need an actual writing break for like two weeks but it’s hard to do when you have ongoing stories! 
          I kept finding myself writing stuff on “break” so really I need to get one of these two stories done so I feel like I can take a break. 
          I’m going to try and get some chapters updated this weekend but not promising! Haha 


I get you just take your time✨❣️


@HeidiCarroll It's ok.....Just do you. We will be here ❤️ 


@Pollyf79 thank you! I think I need to actually take  one when I take one lol 


I need a little more time on that update for TSDE. I had a good half-chapter written but scrapped it when I looked at it the next day. It just felt too filler and I want to get to the fun part. (The date, lol) 
           I want the story to move a little faster, so I am working on a rough outline right now to push the plot forward with shorter chapters. I have some fun ideas coming up! ;) 
          ... and I'll have FOTF updated likely sometime next week; those chapters come fairly quickly to me once I get at them.